Some things must stay unlearned

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"(You went out again.)"

Dr.Retro mentioned as she wrapped a bandage around infecteds injured arm. His head hung low with shame and embarrassment.

"(Infected. I care about you. Don't get me wrong, but I can't keep doing this. I've got a load of other patients I need to take care and I barely got any other employees or nurses. I don't think I can allow any more know?)"

Infected didn't say anything for now, he just tilted his head further away.

"(...I know you want to heal. Or probably not. But you know this is for the better right? Just until your body can intake the medication.)"

"1 kn0w...."

"(I know you feel terrible and all, but please know this isn't your fault..just...try to at least control yourself a little? Especially when thinking of running away?)"


Dr.Retro sighed and got up, writing a few notes in her clipboard before turning back to infected "(I'll go get the medicine for you real quick ok?)"

Infected didn't bother to fight anymore, he just nodded his head, hearing Dr.Retro leave the room and shut the door behind her.

Then he broke out in tears.

There I go! He thought between sobs ruining it all again! For everyone and myself! I'm such a fucking letdown...

Why didn't they just kill me already?


I just..

He slumped over and nearly hit the ground, feeling his body slightly heat up and tingle.

I just want to die...

My life is RUINED..

I don't know what to do anymore..


Prototype wiped his face plate in a rather bored matter as the elevator was empty, it always felt like the elevator was empty..perhaps it was the recent events of infecteds attack mixed with the rising rumors of the murders in the 3008 ROKEA level. The ones that..prototype knew.

He shivered as his circuits flash backed to the moment, the moment where lampert stabbed those poor players and when infected ate them. That monologues...everything.

Sometimes prototype is he'd he could accumulate real tears so he can cry and let everything out, but right now all he can do is try to regulate his emotions so he wouldn't short circuit his brain out.

But maybe he should've because the elevator dinged open to the sight of lampert.


Prototype let out a yelp under his breath but tried to keep his composure and distance. To make sure he has a chance to run away at least if lampert decides to lay a finger upon him.

"Hey lampert!" Prototype family cheered, trying to exert just even a slight tinge of politeness, waving his hand slightly.

Lampert just stared "hello."

Good enough for prototype, who just gave off a quick smile before turning away, waiting for this godforsaken elevator to end up in any level for prototype to escape out of.

"So, how have you been?" Lampert asked, tilting his head slightly.

SHIT. small talk..this wasn't looking good.

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