The Lamp's creator (part 2)

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Lampert was shook. Stunned even, did this...thing just call him its CREATION? He couldn't believe it himself, he squirmed harder and flailed his metal limbs around "let me go!! You FREAK!!!" And joaba did, albeit just letting him go literally and letting the lamp fall onto his back before looking over him.

"Llmmmapp.....l.... Lamp...lammmperrt."

"YOU DIDN'T CREATE ME!! ENOUGH" he almost yelled out as he could feel the droopy black substance originating from the creature's body drop onto his own. He shivered, so slimy and dirty...he glared at joaba before sitting up and scorching away.

This didn't make sense! He never even KNEW joaba existed until now. And he had clear memories of his real creators..

The two twin brothers in that Rokea 3008.

He remembered just, waking up one day, already standing and just looking around curiously, he didn't even have a face. The two brothers cheering as their little 'experiment' was a success before scratching their chins at what to do with the lampy fellow until three days later, one of them cut themselves.

And when lampert saw that red droplet of blood, something in him awakened, something terrible. Curious got the best of him and he killed the two brothers, opening their bodies, seeing their insides and what humans are really made out of, before chopping them into multiple parts and stuffing them into separate boxes as the really didn't know what to do with their bodies.

So how come THIS thing claimed to be its creator?


Lampert horrifyingly looked at the box the creature popped out of.

A bloody rokea box. Similar to the one lampert shoved the brothers in. He gasped and looked up.


Joaba shook its head


It nodded yes.

"Oh....oh MY GOD." Lampert put a hand over his non-existent mouth, and scurried away more, horrified at what the brother has become. "What the hell even...HAPPENED to you?" What a ridiculous question. Lampert already knew the answer..he died! He got murdered by its OWN creation. And yet lampert still had the nerve to ask that? Joaba didn't respond, just instead slowly extending its arm to stroke the side of lamperts lampshade, like a tender mother to its son. But to lampert it was almost like a threat. He shivered and turned away.

"What do you even want from me??" He finally asked. Getting no answer but Joaba hugging him, it was surprising, you'd think Joaba, the extremely violent and dangerous cryptid, would be like, extremely violent and dangerous towards lampert, especially when lampert in question is the one who murdered it in the first place, but nope, it's almost like Joaba missed lampert, forgives it years ago and just longed for the presence of it's creation. It's son.

Lampert pushed away "what do you WANT!?" he screamed "I KILLED you! Get it in your head! You shouldn't even be..." lampert slowly trailed off as he realized something, the words coming out of his mouth, his body language, everything, he was guilty. Guilty that he killed Joaba, guilty he used infected for his own gaining. Guilty for everything. He was feeling remorse. He was feeling.

And that made him surprised himself, he started to get conflicted feelings, it's been so long since he even identified what he was truly feeling, he always just assumed he was just, a shell of a human, no actual emotions or conscious or worries. Just forced to wake up against his will. So the clear realization that he can in fact feel and identify what he is feeling at this moment was a like a big universal change, at least to him. he was always angry and sad, just never been able to get to that point of realizing he is angry and sad.

To Joaba however it was like lampert's brain froze like a slow computer, it poked lampert slightly on the shoulder, causing him to flinch slightly "a- oh.." he sighed "look don't even like...bother to treat me like your 'son '...I killed you anyways so..I practically don't deserve this." He turned his head away "I just need to hide form the-"

The elevator dinged as marks voice rang "LAMPERTTTTT???"


"LAMPERTTT!! GET YER ASS OUT HERE AND SHOW 'YERSELF!" mark yelled before Wallter stopped him "mark, I don't think he'd hide here"

"Ehhhhhh- 'why not??"

"It's dirty, dusty, and there's a potential monster that's very dangerous in this place, you'd think this would be lampert's nightmare but no...also why is he coming with us?"

Mark and Wallter turned to see unpleasant just standing in a corner, not realizing the two were glancing at him as he sipped at his vitamin c drink.

"'Cause I brought him. Now no 'more yappin'! we oughtta find that boy!" Mark sternly cemented before jumping into the level "SON!! LAMPERT!! WHERE ARE YA BOY??"

Lampert quickly panicked and looked up at Joaba "what do we do?????" He gulped "If they find me I'm dead SCRAP."

Joaba petted lampert as if to say 'no worries' and held him with one arm, before using its other lanky limb to push aside a tile for the cieling and crawling inside of it, with a scared lampert in hand as he braved himself for all the cobwebs and filth that will cling onto him,


"UGHHH we cant' find 'em ANYWHERE!" mark angrily threw his construction helmet to the floor and grumpily crossed his arms. "Why I oughtta-!"

"Chill out mark-" unpleasant reassured, glaring at Wallter as he was busy rummaging through the boxes. "I'm sure he's somewhere else- maybe the city?"

"Nah, retro actually' checked there and no' sign of the boy." He shook his head "the only otha' place we didn't check is-"

"Happy county?"

Mark's soul almost basically left his body as he slowly turned to Wallter on that comment, throwing around a can of dented gray stuff "we could go the ice cream shop and ask crem, maybe check the county out in case."

"ARE YER CRAZY?? HAPPY COUNTY??" Mark yelled in disbelief

"What's wrong with that?" Unpleasant commented.

"THAT PLACE IS MORE DANGEROUS THAN A BULL'S HORNS!" Mark turned to unpleasant. "ITS FILLED TO THE BRIM WITH FILTHY MAGGOTS! Especially that under-city 'location-" mark shivered at the thought of the under-city

"I'm from the under-city."

 Wallter stopped midway through his drink and gagged as mark was left stunned. And guilty.

"O-oh.....wait Gradie' I didn't-" Unpleasant didn't even hear what mark said as with glossy eyes just turned around and angrily left, slamming the button to shut the elevator doors "WAIT-" and then unpleasant disappeared through the contraption.

"Oh....great...." Mark sighed

"...y'know maybe you shouldn't make assumptions on where someone was fro-"


just then Joaba crashes from the ceiling with lampert, as they both sat up, coughing out the dust. soon lampert stopped dead in his tracks as both men stared at the two. 


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