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Williamplayz57 took the cigarette out of the pack and took a long breath in, taking the entire blunt in just one blow as the smoke exhumed out of his mouth and mixed with the clear night air, the smell still lingered around though.

He turned around and rested his forearms on the railings, his body leaned back as he sighed and threw his head back slightly, seeing the sky devoid of any stars thanks to the nearby city, it was just the black-blue empty void, the chamber of nothingness colored in black, he didn't even know why he came out here to smoke, all he knew was that he just needed to calm down his angering and irritated nerves.

Well he might need to smoke another blunt as he heard a voice echo through the thin air. "Smoking again I see?"

William turned around, seeing Jeremy, out late, with a basket of slightly bloodied bread in her hand. "Yeah, you?"

"On a date."

"At 2 am in the morning? Thought you needed your beauty sleep" he hoarsely chuckled

"It's a Saturday, and I don't really care."

"You're saying that like you have a job"

"Well I guess I do." She scoffed

"What? Crushing people's skulls into paste? Or is that just a coping mechanism?"

"At least I don't fill my lungs with shit and destroy myself."

"P-LEASE. I'm a GOD! I got all the time in the world to quit, in fact, if ai wanted to, I could quit tomorrow!"

"That's what you said before falling back, just like with the other women. And your NASTYYYYY attitude."

"Don't pretend like you're better than me!"

"Yeah but at least I was a better parent."

"Oh so you wanna go now??"

"Actually....nah" Jeremy threw her hands and walked past William "I don't have time to deal with crappy god wannabes over the fact that they never changed."

"But I DID change!"

"Hmmm I wouldn't really call going from bad to a different kind of bad change, more like evolving...or rather- devolving" he snorted at his face before fully turning away and walking off on a stunned and irritated William.

"Ugh that WOMAN." He snapped the useless cigar in his hands before crumbling it in his palm and spreading its ashes over as he grabbed his cigarette pack again, grabbing another blunt to stuff in his mouth again, this time going over faster than before and holding the smoke for a moment before letting go, and turning around as the smoke made a familiar shape, at least to him.

"That goddamn woman...."


"So you said you wanna see the sunrise?"

"You betcha!" Unpleasant snapped his fingers as he slowly sat onto the picnic mat, trying not to crack his fragile back and bones as Jeremy simply plopped next to him, leaning over to at least reach near unpleasant's line of view "say that's real weird of you-" he mentioned "you usually hate it whenever you have to stay up."

"Well yeah- but I thought I'd make it extra special for today- I loved watching sunrises as a kid.."

"I never really saw a sunrise in person" Jeremy shrugged "I guess it'll be something interesting."

"Never?? What were you too busy smashing peoples heads?" He giggled before Jeremy snapped his head towards unpleasant "hey if I could,  I would've smashed yours right now" she pouted "but you're too cute so, I'll spare ya."

"Real romantic."

"You're the one who showed up wearing a shirt inside out."

"I am NOT-" he looked down "........oh....I am....."

Jeremy chuckled in amusement as unpleasant just glared at them to cover his embarrassment. "It was like you were in a rush or something!"

"Hey! Isn't my fault infected took the ibuprofen for his period while I had to deal with that good awful backpack!" He almost yelled out as Jeremy snorted a little louder "God...." Unpleasant just went back to being quiet for a moment  before catching a smell and sniffing it a little "cigarettes...? You didn't smoke earlier did you?" He asked Jeremy

"What? Obviously not" she scoffed "if I did smoke I woulda been dead years ago..."

"Then what's with the..-"

"Oh it's probably just because I ran into William earlier" she grumbled at the earlier encounter "his stupid smoke must"be rubbed on me..."

"Damn what is up with you and that guy? I mean I can tell y'all are exes with a child but like-"

Jeremy sighed "yeah no don't worry 'bout him. He's just a complicated jerk." She muttered in disdain "we divorced like.. what? 43 years ago? I think-" He sighed "either way he was just as much of a shithead as he was all those years ago."

"Divorced huh...y-you haven't like uh-reconsider marrying right?"

"I mean, I might have" she winked at unpleasant "but eh other than that I've been fine being with being single for a while, what about you?"

"I've-actually never married" he turned away sheepishly "or dated until now I guess.." he sighed "one of my crushes died before I could confess to him, not like he even liked me back anyways-"

"Damn that sucks- I'm sorry gradie-"

"Nah it's actually fine that was years ago" he chuckled dismissively

"It wasn't builderman by any chance was it?"

" was builderman yeah-"

Jeremy snapped his fingers "knew it" she sighed "you really got to let go of the past y'know that?"

"Yeah.. but you know who I can't let go of?"


Unpleasant got on one knee and pulled out those glowing bracelets that Poob would often wear, making Jeremy confused and flustered "you! Jeremy? Won't you be my fiancé?"

"Oh my god???" Jeremy quietly exclaimed as a rather perplexed face overcame him

"..What? I-is something wrong-"

He sighed "no- no gradie it's alright nothings wrong-you just surprised me there-and to be quite Frank with you.. this-this doesn't have anything to do with the fact I call you my husband as a joke right?"

"I-I mean you already do what's the harm of making it official?" He muttered as he felt butterflies gnaw at his intestines to make a deep dripping void, and it wasn't a good feeling.

"Gradie I was joking,I mean, honestly I DO want to marry you but the last time I married someone months into dating them was William and well I think.." she gently brought gradies hands down "It'd be best of we take things slow-"

"O-oh.." unpleasant smiled a bit, feeling emotional, but he didn't want his 'immaturity' to get the best of him "yeah...guess you're right.."

"Still I appreciate the gesture" she smiled widely as she hugged unpleasant and gave him a small love kiss on his forehead "we'll still see each other don't you worry about that..."

At least there was that "yeah...see you soon.."

Jeremy pet unpleasant Poob the head as she got up and left, leaving unpleasant alone, hey, at least he got to keep the basket of bread she brought him while watching the sunrise on the shore.


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