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"Who discovered the body?" The detective asked the police officer while looking at the crime scene. "Ma'am an old man reported the body. He said that he was returning to his home from his workplace which is located in the city." The police officer replied to the detective. "What time was it reported?" She asked him. "It was around 10:45, ma'am." The officer replied.

Another officer reached out to the detective and said "Ma'am, we found stitches all over the body.". The detective nodded and said, "Tell the forensic department to run tests and find as much evidence as possible."

A few officers kept the victim's body in the ambulance and left with it. "Ok guys, see you tomorrow." The detective was about to leave, along with the other officers, and the bushes bustled. Everyone took out their guns and pointed them at the bushes. An officer headed towards the bushes to see what caused the bushes to bustle when there was no wind. Nothing was there. Everyone was confused. The detective said "Don't worry guys, it must be some animal living in this area. After all, we're in the forest. Let's head back to our homes." But little did they know that it wasn't an animal living in that area.

Empty road, favorite music on the radio; the detective was driving back to her home. While on her way she saw a man asking for a lift. She slowed down her car and saw the time on her watch. It was 00:30 hours. She stopped and rolled down her window. "Can I get a ride? My car broke down and bus facilities aren't available at this hour. " The man asked her. "Sure. Get in." She replied with a smile. The man thanked her and got in. He gave her his address to take him there.

"How may I address you?" The man asked her. "My name is Aurora Vincent. You can call me Aurora." She answered him and smiled before looking back at the road. "What about you? What's your name?" She asked him. "I'm Eden George." He said. "Nice to meet you, Eden." She told him with a smile. "Same here!" He answered back to her with a big smile too. "What do you do to earn?" She asked him. "I'm a surgeon. And you?" He asked her back. She told him that she was a detective. "WOAH! You have a cool job! The dead bodies don't make you uncomfortable?" He asked her after being amazed by her job. "No, they never made me uncomfortable. Those things do not easily trigger me." He nodded to her response. "Can I ask you something?" Eden asked curiously. "Yeah, sure." "What if I rob you and do something bad to you?" Eden asked. " Why? Are you going to do that?" Aurora asked with an amused smile. "No! No, I was just asking because most girls wouldn't give a lift to any random man this late out of fear." Eden justified. "Well, I can protect myself and I am trained too so I think it'd be a huge mistake for someone to harass me." Aurora replied with a smile and Eden nodded. A few minutes later, they both reached his location. "Thank you so much, Aurora! And I'm sorry too because of me you had to come all this way at this hour." He thanked her and apologized to her. She assured him that there was nothing to apologize about. They both bid each other goodbye.

After driving for a few minutes, Aurora reached her home safe but tired. She laid down on her bed after getting fresh. She tried to sleep but the murder case was the only thing that was going on in her mind. 'What if the killer first took away her organs and then stitched her skin together? Well, reports will come in 2 days..' She thought to herself. 

The alarm rang, which made Aurora wake up. She switched off the alarm and woke up. She went outside after brushing and wearing her tracksuit. She glanced at her watch and the time was 4:59 AM. She stretched for one minute. At 5:00 AM she started jogging. She jogged up to the nearest park which was 2 km away. After reaching the park, someone familiar reached out to her. "Hi! Good morning, Aurora." The person greeted her. Aurora turned back and saw Eden. "Hey, Eden! Good morning." She greeted her back with a big smile. "Would you like to jog with me?" She asked him and he agreed to jog with her. After jogging for one hour, they both saw the sunrise and sat on a chair in the park. "So you come here every day for jogging?" Aurora asked him. "Yeah. It is nearest to my house, you know. " He lightly chuckled after answering. "Would you like to go and grab a coffee with me?" Eden asked Aurora while looking at her with seriousness in his eyes. Aurora looked at him and their eyes met. "Uh..umm actually I've to go to work at 8 and it's already going to be 7 " She stuttered and let out an awkward laugh after answering. Aurora saw sadness in Eden's eyes after her answer. "Well, I'm available during lunch. We can have lunch together if you're free." She said and he happily agreed to her. "OK then! See you in Wonderwell restaurant at 1 PM. I've to go now, I'm getting late." They both bid each other goodbye.

After getting ready for work, Aurora directly headed towards the police station. "Hey, Simon. Any news about yesterday's case?" Aurora greeted an officer working with her in this case.


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