ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟚

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"Good morning, Ma'am. We checked her activities before her death. She last chatted with her girlfriend and they fought. Her card was last used in a restaurant named Wonderwell." Simon said. "Nice. I'll go and check the CCTVs of that restaurant. And please give me a picture of the victim and her girlfriend." Aurora said. Simon gave her the photos. "Thanks, shorty!" Aurora thanked her by calling Simon by the nickname the officers gave. "Ma'am, you also-" The other officers started laughing and didn't let him complete.

Aurora reached the restaurant and went to the reception to question them and ask them for CCTV footage. "Hello. I'm Detective Aurora Vincent and I am here to check some CCTV footage. " She said while showing her ID card. "Sure, ma'am." the receptionist responded. "And are these two regular customers here?" Aurora asked the receptionist by showing her the photos she asked Simon for. "Yes, ma'am. Both of them come here often." The receptionist showed Aurora a few footage and it was found that the victim and her girlfriend used to come here often. After watching the footage she thanked the receptionist and took a leave.

She came out of the restaurant and texted Simon.

Aurora: Hey, Simon. The victim and her girlfriend were regular customers here and I saw them together in footage too. I guess they were here for dates.

Simon: That's nice. Now we need to question the girlfriend.

Aurora: Yeah. Together we'll do that. Can we go and interrogate her at 4? I'll be having lunch with a friend.

Simon: Sure. Enjoy! :)

Aurora: Thanks, Simon. And I'm sorry for calling you shortie back in the station.

Simon: It's okay, ma'am. I didn't mind either. :)

She kept her phone back in her pocket and got inside. The waiter led her to a table for 2 people and she sat there waiting for Eden. She checked her watch and it was already 1:05. She again checked it after 5 minutes and then the door opened revealing Eden. Aurora waved at him and he waved back at her. "Sorry. I'm 10 minutes late. I was doing surgery. " Eden sat and apologized for being late. Aurora assures him that it's completely fine and tells him she had some work here. The waiter comes and asks them what they would like to have. "What are you going to have?" Aurora asks Eden. He said that he would have Chinese and Aurora decided to have Japanese. Eden had Kung Pao Chicken and Aurora had curry rice. While chatting with Eden, Aurora got lost in his features. His black silky hair done into a man bun, sharp eyebrows, jawline, and his dark hazel eyes. Eden rolled up his sleeves where his veiny hands got exposed. 'He looks so good in white, HE IS SO FINE OH MY GAWD-' Aurora thought by herself. "Can I get your number?" Eden asked and it caught her off guard. Aurora agreed and both of them exchanged their numbers. "Can we be friends?" Aurora asked Eden. "I would love to be your friend." Eden replied happily.

After a nice meal, they bid each other bye soon because Aurora had to interrogate the first suspect in the case. Aurora drives back to the police station to pick up Simon. They both reach the suspect's house. Aurora knocked on the door and a girl opened the door a few minutes later. "Hello. I'm Aurora Vincent and this is Simon Brown. We're here to ask you a few questions related to Lauren Jhonson." She introduced herself while showing her ID. The suspect let them in.

Both of them drank the water offered by Lauren's girlfriend. Simon asked the suspect to introduce herself. "My name is Lindsey Thompson. I'm from the UK." The suspect said. "So Lindsey, can you describe your relationship with Lauren?" Aurora asked Lindsey. "Lauren and I are in a relationship. We both met in college and fell in love with each other. Now it's been 2 years to our relationship." Lindsey said. "Did you two fight recently?" Simon asked Lindsey. "Yeah, but we made up with each other the next day. But how did you know?" Lindsey asked with confusion in her eyes. Simon and Aurora looked at each other and hesitated. "Actually...Lauren was murdered and her body was found yesterday." Both of them hung their heads down as Simon gave Lindsey the news. "WHAT!? NO!!" Lindsey screamed in shock and sadness. She cried and screamed and Aurora tried to calm her down. After she calmed down for a bit, Aurora and Simon decided to leave. "Please catch the killer of my Lauren. Please give my Lauren the justice she deserves." Lindsey requested Aurora by holding her hands and crying. "I promise you that we will catch the killer. Please take care of yourself." Aurora said.

Aurora and Simon came out of her house. "My gut feeling is saying that she is not the culprit but still keep an eye on her because it's scary what people can do in rage." Aurora said to Simon. "Yes ma'am" Simon replied. Both of them went back to the police station. Aurora dropped Simon and went back to her home. While she was driving she crossed Eden's home and she subconsciously smiled. She realized that she was smiling so she stopped smiling and hit her head with one hand and focused on driving.


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