07 | black wings

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Brea corrects, "No, it won't be just trouble. It will cost your life. The people here won't hesitate to put a bullet in your head, and it will be the most generous way to end your life here besides the other things we can do to you."

My mouth drops open. I don't want to believe her, but the things I saw and experienced today -- especially my conversation with Cole and what happened with the guards outside -- make me think that she's not lying.

"Tell me, how much will your friends pay you for getting out of here alive?" Her face draws closer, causing me to be cornered against the wall under the stairs. "How much are they willing to pay for you to sneak into the home of the Black Wings?"

I almost freeze like a statue. What did she just say? The Black Wings?

Still hearing nothing from me, she squints.

I can only say the truth. "I'm not here because of a bet, or a dare."

She rolls her eyes.

"Are you saying that you are one of us?" Gio asks, but his tone doesn't sound genuine. It sounds like he's testing me.

"I don't know if being hired by your leader will make me one," I say. "Honestly, I don't care about that. I just want to see Kel--"

"Show me your tattoo," Brea interrupts.

I stare at her cluelessly. "My what?"

"Your tattoo," Gio repeats, sounding annoyed. "Your identity. It will show that you are indeed one of us. Here, the tattoo is proof that you're a part of Black Wings."

Of course, I don't have that. I never plan to be a part of the Black Wings or whatever gang it is.

"Like this." Bee shows me a tattoo on her upper arm. It's a pair of black wings, but unlike Cole's tattoo which has red streaks on the feathers, this one has none. "Show me yours."

I'm at a loss for words. How can I show her if I don't even have a tattoo?

When she finally gets the idea, she mutters, "You can't be serious. You couldn't just sneak here without even preparing your tattoo."

Gio snorts. "Even if she did, we would notice that it's fake, so it doesn't matter."

Brea nods, agreeing with her boyfriend. "Right. Every Black Wings tattoo is specially made by our artists, with special inks. Only two people in this world can make our tattoos. It's sickening how some people still think that they can fake it. At least, you're not one of them."

Gio chuckles. "Your lies have been caught, Layla."

Their accusation makes me feel offended. "I'm not lying. I didn't say that I was one of you. I'm not interested in joining your gang, the Black Wings, or whatever it is. I'm here because I was hired by Jaxon Romero. Cole brought me here--"

"Whoa whoa whoa." Brea raises her hands, staring at me in utter disbelief. "You're going too far right there."

"I don't have time to deal with people who don't even want to believe me," I say firmly. "Now, if you'll excuse me--"

"Wait." Gio grabs my arm before I can escape. Now, he looks slightly furious. "What you were trying to say didn't make fucking sense. We were about to let you slip without harm, but now you're being feisty and thinking about leaving just like that?" The threat in his voice makes me shudder.

"Aw, easy, babe. You're scaring her," Brea whispers to him, giving him a sweet smile. "She's doing her best to survive. I like that spirit in her. Who knows? We might convince Fenrir to make her one of us. She might be useful." She turns her head toward me. "Now, where were we? Ah, you said that you were hired by Jaxon."

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