09 | drowning

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Fucking ridiculous.

I never thought that such a liar existed among Black Wings members. How the hell did Fenrir recruit the newcomers?

I storm into my room with my fists clenched tightly on my sides. My chest rises and falls because of my anger.

The fight inside the boxing ring earlier might have calmed me down, but that girl just made me even angrier. She even mentioned Jaxon, and that story she made up was insane.

There's no way that Jaxon would hire a caregiver for me.

Layla, her name. Who does she think she is?

Fucking poser.

The sound of my phone ringing on my bed catches my attention, and I instantly scoff because I know who the caller is from the ringtone.

About time, Jaxon is calling me. I usually don't answer his call, but maybe I should now.

I grab my phone, feeling that I might break it because of how hard I'm gripping it. This is fucking irritating.

The second I answer Jaxon's call, his voice echoes in my ear. "Finally." He lets out a long sigh. "About damn time you pick up my call."

I listen closely to any other sound from the other side of the line and only hear faintly Levi ordering food to someone.

No gunshot sound. I feel slightly relieved because no matter how much I hate what Jaxon is doing over there in Italy with the guys, he's not in danger right now.

I hear a light chuckle. "Wait, have you already met her?" Amusement is now laced in his voice.

I clench my jaw, feeling like I'm going to explode. If it's actually true about the girl, I'll be fucking mad at him.

"No wonder you picked up my call." Although his tone is joking, I can feel his disappointment. "I had to drag some girl into this for you to pick up your brother's call, huh?" he throws me a rhetorical question, which annoys me even more.

"I'll hang up--"

"Wait," Jaxon immediately says, and I hear slight anger in his voice. "Jesus Christ. Kellan, calm the fuck down."

"You know damn well why I never want to pick up your call," I say coldly. "If you want to hear my voice that badly, you can drag your ass back here."

Jaxon lets out a heavy sigh. "Quit being a brat. You know perfectly well why I have to be in Italy and why you can't be here."

I scoff. "Yeah? Because I'm fucking blind--"

"Kellan," Jaxon says to me in a warning tone. "You know why you can't be in Italy, and we're not doing this anymore."

I almost roll my eyes.

Yeah. Because it's fucking dangerous there, and you're not letting me there because you don't want me to die. You're leaving me here with no choice other than to accept that you could die anytime.

"Why did you even hire her?" I ask, not even trying to hide my irritation.

"Because you need her," Jaxon says.

Silence falls.

"What the hell does that mean?" I holler.

Jaxon sighs. "Listen, you're always angry," he pauses, as though he needs a few seconds to compose himself. "I know that you don't think you need a caregiver, but I do think that you need one."

Before I can't even interrupt him, he continues, "It's not that I think you are incapable, but I need someone to look after you while I'm gone." His voice holds vulnerability, and for a second, I think that my brother is going to break.

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