First Time (Seungmin)

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content warning: sex...that's it. he's a cutie patootie in this one.

word count: 4703

You had been dating Seungmin for half a year now and everything was going smoothly. He was a perfect gentleman, just like in old films. He held the door open for you. He walked on the street side of the sidewalk. He even carried you over a puddle once so your feet that were in open-toed heels wouldn't get wet. Yes, everything was perfect. Except for one hadn't had sex.

It's not that you didn't want to, or that you were waiting for marriage or anything. You just wanted to be sure that he was the one you wanted to lose it to before you allowed him the privilege of taking your virginity.

You were celebrating your six-month anniversary (because Seungmin wholeheartedly believed in celebrating every milestone) when you officially made up your mind. He'd reserved a table at a very fancy restaurant, not to flaunt his wealth but because he truly enjoyed having an occasion to dress up for you. A hostess was leading you to your table and you watched as another couple was being seated. The woman took her seat and placed her bag on the ground beside her. The two immediately pulled out their phones, avoiding conversation with one another.

When you arrived at your table, Seungmin pulled the chair out for you and kissed your cheek as you sat down. He asked for another chair to be brought for your bag so that it wouldn't get dirty. And, as always, his phone remained in his pocket. The two of you had initially made a conscious effort to be on them as little as possible to assure you were always in the moment, but now, you left your phone in your bag out of habit. You didn't need the distraction when Seungmin was so entertaining and lovely. Nothing on social media could ever compare to looking at him, listening to him, and just being around him.

After dinner, he'd opened the car door for you and you began paying extra attention to the other couples in the parking lot. Nobody else was treated as chivalrously as you. You reached for him the moment he got into the car and pressed your lips to his. He seemed surprised at first, but eventually, he melted into your touch. His pretty pink lips enveloped yours and his hand reached up to cup your cheek delicately.

"Thank you," you blushed at him. The words seemed insignificant when compared to the grandeur of their meaning. How could you possibly sum up the gratitude you felt, not only for this evening but for the way he'd treated you throughout the whole relationship? He was always so thoughtful and sweet. He'd never pressed you for sex once you had finally confessed that you hadn't done that before. He would make mental notes about your favorite drinks and snacks and would have them at his place for you without even having to be asked or reminded. He even kept a note on his phone of your specific orders at restaurants in case you wanted him to pick something up. He always went out of his way to make you feel like the most important person on the planet.

You didn't know why he had chosen you to thrust all of his attention and admiration onto, but you were immensely grateful.

"I have a surprise for you, honeybee," he smiled cutely and began driving back to your house without giving any hint as to what he was referring to.

That was another thing. Seungmin lived a half hour away, and he always came to you. He'd sometimes drive all the way to pick you up just to hang out at his place, but he always drove. Even when you'd offered, he had been willing but explained that he just genuinely loved driving you around. He knew the road, especially at night, gave you anxiety, so he just wanted to help.

He pulled up to your house and rushed out of his seat to open the door for you. You took his hand, and he helped you out of the car before intertwining your fingers with his for the short walk to the door.

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