Stalker (Jeongin)

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content warning: you might feel called out if you're a "let's go to the airport and wait for them" type of STAY, delusional

PSA: No idol has EVER seen someone chasing them down for a selfie and decided to date them!

word count: 954

You'd opened a new credit card to fund this trip, but you knew it was worth it. You landed in Korea and your heart felt closer to I.N. already. You hurried off of the plane shoving people aside as you tried to make it to the lobby. You'd timed your flight to land at the same time as theirs and were surprised to see fans standing around and looking at their phones scattered about rather than behind barricades waiting did them.

Where were they?

You walked up to someone who was giggling at their phone and asked when Stray Kids would be arriving. She gleefully turned her phone to show you a photo of Lee Know she'd gotten when they'd arrived minutes before you did.

"Fuck. I missed it?" you cried out as you stomped your foot.

The girl shrugged and distanced herself from you awkwardly as you threw a tantrum. You huffed and opened up Twitter to see that they'd just arrived at JYP HQ. You made the choice to abandon your luggage at the too-time-consuming carousel to pick up later and hailed a cab to take you there straight away. You couldn't miss your chance.

The whole ride you were refreshing your feed praying that they didn't leave. You were grateful that there were posts keeping you updated on their whereabouts. After all, if they didn't want you there, they'd do a better job at being secretive, right?

You closed out of Twitter once the building came into view and smiled at your I.N. lock screen. In just a few moments he'd look into your eyes and feel what you felt. He'd know the deepest parts of your soul.

You paid for the cab and hopped out to wait with the crowd. You wondered if they'd be jealous when I.N. made it obvious he liked you too. A few months ago, he had replied to your FANS message and people got mad that he'd chosen you.

You knew deep down he was your soulmate, though, so you were content to suffer through the hate. You knew you were meant to be because you had the same interest in music as him and you liked soccer, too. You also liked how happy he always was and were sure he'd find qualities about you endearing as well.

Closer to the door, some squeals and giggles began and you braced yourself for I.N. to walk out. You wished you were in something other than your sweatpants you'd worn on the flight but a true soulmate wouldn't care. They'd know your heart with one look.

The door opened and your face broke into a massive smile. Your excitement wore off when you saw it was just Lee Know though. You waved politely as he entered the waiting vehicle. It didn't take off so you knew the others must not be far behind.

Changbin and Chan walked out next with Han not too far behind. The area erupted in shrill shouts for their attention.

And while everyone else was focused on Han spilling his iced coffee, you turned and saw him. I.N. with his dimpled smile and cool composure walked out of the building carrying a bag and coffee. You nearly fell as you leaned over the barricade to get his attention.

You'd read about it in books. The moment soulmates locked eyes they'd know immediately. You'd already seen his at the concerts and during the videos you'd watched, but he'd never seen yours until now.

"Oppa!" you shouted.

A few people threw you weird looks, but you were determined not to waste this chance.

"Innie! It's me!" you screamed.

You were losing your voice from shouting so loudly. But I.N. was facing the other direction and about to get into the car. You just needed one look, and he'd feel the love that you felt.

You leaned further and grabbed at his bag. He whipped around and pulled it from your grasp

"Hi, I.N." you smiled, your mind dizzy with infatuation. This was it. He was looking right into your eyes. He had on lighter brown contacts and his eyes looked at you like he was afraid...not in love. You reached out to take his hand so he'd know you weren't a threat, but a guard had descended upon you.

"No!" you fought him off. "No! We're soulmates! Ask him?"

The guard laughed and turned to I.N. whose eyes smiled at you. You grinned back. You knew he'd understand. You knew he'd see it for himself once he calmed down from the shock of finding his other half so suddenly.

"Soulmates?" he laughed. "I don't even know you." He got into the car and shut the door.

Your heart shattered as you released from the deepest parts of your soul, the loudest wail you could summon. It silenced everyone around you in seconds. Once they drove off, the guard let you be and you fell to the ground where I.N. had just stood.

How could he not have felt it?

You weren't sure, but being rejected by your soulmate wasn't possible. He should've known. You searched for a reason and wondered if so many people being around had made the bond harder to connect.

You opened Twitter and found the address to the dorms easily enough. The gods and the stars obviously wanted you to try again tomorrow. Why else would they have given you his address?

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