CH7 "you're acting like a brat!"

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aliona added 5 members to group
aliona changed the name to "cult👹"

hey bops
since were filming a movie together
I thought I'd make a group chat



Cool I'm almost at the hotel



we need to add the julian guy thats playing Ronan when we meet him


Can you not text and drive pls I don't want to die

ali answer snap

okay  bb


you're always with walker lately hello?!
is there something you need to tell me ?

no it's nothing like that
we've been close ever since
you know that

ik that but u take him to your schools parties
and you guys post each other way more now
and you guys are on your way to the hotel together rn 😍😍

truth is i love hanging with him so much
sent just now

"can you put the music back on now" Walker tells Aliona from the drivers seat, peeking at her phone to see why the music paused and who she was texting. This was a long morning for them both. Aliona said bye to Rafe (it was harder on Rafe than on her, he can't stay away from his older sister for too long). She texted her parents to let them know every single detail of the job, and they sent her all the legal paperwork she needed as a minor to film. She packed 2 big suitcases. Walker said his goodbyes to his family, knowing he was going to see them often as they were filming nearby. He packed 1 big suitcase. And they headed to the hotel together. The movie management asked to have all the actors stay in the same hotel, since Jacob and Dylan were coming from Canada, they don't have a home here in LA. So they asked for everyone to be in the same place for set. Walker picked aliona up and they headed there together.

"what can I get for you?" the drive through lady asked. Walker leaned in closer to the window, "I'll have a large iced peach tea , please don't make it too sweet, and a chocolate donut. Vera what do you want?" He looks over at the girl who was still on her phone. "I don't really want anything thank you." She says not raising her eyes from her phone.
"one large iced white mocha with one extra shot of expresso, oat milk, almond milk and coconut milk with cinnamon on top please" Walker tells the lady.

Aliona looks up, surprised he knew her coffee order by heart. She quickly hides her surprise and keeps on going on her phone. Walker pays and drives off to pick up their order. Truth is, aliona didn't know what to feel after yesterday. Such a private moment that she wasn't proud of, was unwillingly shared with walker. Only her older brother, Elio, and her parents knew about her little troubles when it came to food. They learned how to deal with it, not too force it. It was never a subject she would willingly bring up. And now walker not only knows about it, but he was there in live action of aliona making herself throw up. After that he made her take a shower, hugged her and played with her hair till she fell asleep. This was so new to her. And she didn't know how to feel about it. So she just used her phone and avoided interaction with him since the morning.

Walker hasn't been feeling well since what happened. Aliona was a girl he looked up to. She inspired him. And mostly, he cared about her insanely. Ever since they started being friends, they connected in an instant. They both have the same sense of humour. It was almost never awkward between them. They complete each other's sentences out of how much they knew each other. Hell, when they hug it fits perfectly like a puzzle. Like they're both meant to be doing that. His head fits nicely on top of hers, his arms around her waist. Her head fits nicely in the crook of his neck, her arms around his neck. Aliona's laugh is what keeps Walker going. And when she has her little moments where she's pissed about anything, walker knows exactly what to do and what to not do, and when aliona has her little moments, walker is the only person she doesn't mind having around. Walker cares about her very deeply and he's aware of that because seeing her yesterday made him hate himself for not having figured it out earlier. These two would send each other the weirdest tiktoks and Instagram reels. Going live on twitch and playing fortnite and minecraft. They had a world just for them on minecraft where they adopted 52 dogs and named each and every single one of them after their inside jokes. And their inside jokes... walker and aliona loved their jokes, but nobody could understand. Percy Jackson and Ivey Stark just fit with each other.

But now she's angry at him and he doesn't know why. it's frustrating walker that aliona won't talk to him and that she gave him a side hug this morning. For the first time in never it was insanely silent in the car, in a very bad way. It wasn't walker secretely staring at ali while he's driving, or aliona secretely staring at walker while he's driving type of silence. It was a 'I need to get out of here' silence.

"What's up with you Aliona ?" Walker finally gets it out, trying his best to not be frustrated with her.
Aliona was bothered by walker using her full first name and not "Vera" or "Ali" or even "bitch". It really shows how serious he is. She puts her phone down. And thinks of what to say to him, not knowing how to break it out to him.

"Nothing's wrong walk" she looks at him hoping he'll believe her. He looks at her, his eyes showing frustration and anger.
"I'm not playing with you."
"Im not playing with you too!" She raises her voice at him.
"This was supposed to be a good day, the first day for this huge ass movie and you're ruining it!"
"How the fuck am I ruining it!"
"Cause you're acting like a brat!"
"How the hell am I acting like a brat if i haven't even said a word to you!"
"That's the point!"

"Here's your order." The old lady hands the drinks and donut to walker, giving him a look, that wasn't worried, or curious but just 'I heard that whole argument'.
"Have a good day." She closes the window.
Walker and Aliona both go silent out of shame, realizing they were just yelling at each other like children. Or an old married couple.

The rest of the drive was silent, not even music. Just like yesterday night. Walker was mad and he was constantly clenching and unclenching his jaw. Aliona was looking out the window, looking back at him from time to time. Staring at his right hand flexing on the steering wheel. He just called her a brat! But she couldn't get her eyes off of Walker. His hair looked extra soft today. His lips as well. And his arms were extra veiny today somehow, cause she could NOT stop looking. She hated herself for this.

How ironic is it that Aliona just realised now, after an argument, that she's very attracted to walker?

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