CH11 "Action!"

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alibaby ❤️🌟

Hey baby
Tell me!

alibaby ❤️🌟
Walker and I kissed

I'm so happy for you honey
how was it? (anything more 😁🤣)
about time that boy kissed you
i know he's been wanting to ever since you two became friends

alibaby ❤️🌟
no mom just making out and stuff😭😭
what do you mean you know he's been wanting to do it lol

baby it was obvious he liked you
everybody thought so at least (only you and him took time to realize that)

alibaby ❤️🌟
but how do you know I like him
I never told anyone

I'm your mom 💝💝🙏🙏
do I tell your dad?

alibaby ❤️🌟
no no not yet mom
don't tell daddy
we're not dating or anything
it's not like it's my first kiss
or his lol
and don't tell Elio or Rafe yet okay?
I feel like they're gonna take this guy seriously
cause it's not like the same situation as Adam you know?
so they'll definitely be annoying about it

they're your brothers they're just looking out for you
okay baby
take care
we'll be home next weekend to come to the Oscars with you!
and let me know how filming goes tomorrow

Fancy vans came and picked the cast up from the hotel very early in the morning. The set was only five minutes away by car. Aliona was so excited to see her trailer where she'll be taking her naps. Acting in a movie IS a full time job and they are only 16, it's tiring but thats when the trailers come in good hand. Good company helps with that as well. That's perfect because Aliona was now in a van with Walker by her side (he hasn't left her side since yesterday night, he refused to close the door that connects their rooms, not like aliona wanted that anyway). There was McKenna on her left and Jacob Julian and Ariana infront of her. Another van picked Dylan, Calumn and the other older actors they met at the table reading yesterday. Aliona obviously had AUX and was blasting music in the car. Ariana was filming Ali and the two blonds on her side singing. It was their first day filming and they were SO. EXCITED.

All the debriefing the actors needed was done yesterday so they're going to get dressed up and start filming right away. Everyone was wearing comfortable clothes, even pyjamas, since their costumes were on set. Happy was what aliona was right now. She ruffles Walkers hair and that's when a thought came to her,
       "OH MY GOD GUYS!"
They all looked at her, already used to her random outbursts of energy.

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