26. Believing in you

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It's almost morning,, I almost woke up,,, slowly opening my eyes feeling a sense of a pair of hands massaging my foot..
"Farhan" I whispered in a sleepy tone,, feeling his gaze over me. I sat straight leaning back to head board.

" You are awake!! " He passed a smile to me and kissed my forehead caressing my cheek with his hand...

" Good morning sevgilim??" His lips brushed over my skin on my forehead.

" Good morning husband " I grinned and wrapped my arms around his torso,, and he responded to my hug,, side hugging me leaning back to headboard. Soon I felt something wrong with his left hand.

" What happened to your hand??" I took his hand into my and passed a look to him. He wrapped bandage around his knuckles.

" It's nothing,,, just a small injury " he said.

" I asked you what happened to your hand " this time my voice echoed with little audacity.

" Nothing Mrs. Malik,,, I just hit the wall in rage,,, it's a small one.. "

" But I don't feel this as small one.. Can't you be careful Farhan.. what are you!!! What's the use of grown up like a tree,,, when you atleast can't take care of yourself. You are behaving like an idiot... Don't you know how painful it is... In taking care of me,,, you aren't taking care of yourself.." ,, i said. My eyes were brimming with tears. Ofcourse he doesn't feel any pain because it's small thing to him,, hitting the wall. But for me ,, I don't want to see him in pain.

" Please don't cry,,, you are making my eyes wet. Yes taking care of you is the only prior thing to me,,, cause if you are okay then I always sound good. You are the only reason for my existence sevgilim... This is a very small thing to me,,, but your tears hurt me most so please don't cry.. I'm fine,, you are with me now so I'm fine.." he said wiping my tears and placing featherly kiss over my forehead.

" But never do such things again.. remember you have one person in your life and she doesn't want you to facing challanges alone " I started nuzzling and looked into his eyes. Those eyes weren't normal. Didn't he sleep yesterday!!!

" Haven't you slept night " I asked him.

" No,, I slept but you were struggling to sleep,,, because of your leg,,, so I thought of giving you some massage---" I cut him off saying " so you didn't sleep whole night and just taking care of my leg "
Oh god,,, how did I get this man as my husband... I'm damn lucky to have him. I smiled overwhelmingly at his actions.

" Sevgilim " I hummed in response.

" I'm sorry.. I'm sorry for not taking care of you,,, you suffered because of me, I didn't know the fucking Faisal know about you. If I would've known ---- " I again didn't let him finish off his sentence.

" If you would've know,,, you would've vanished his existence and I know you are damn serious about this.. Farhan can we just move on from the past incident,, I believe in you.. I don't wanna discuss about those things.. I really don't want to dig those things.. and yeah leave those guards,,, enough of torturing them.."

" How do you know that I'm torturing them"

" You are my husband and can't I know what you do in rage.. "

" But those people deserved to be punished and tortured they didn't even do their jobs perfectly "

" Even they were hurt,,, it's not their fault Farhan.. So leave them show mercy towards them.. " I pressed my lips over his forehead.

" Okay fine.. ofcourse everyone should listen to their wives. " He said pulling me closer into his hug, where I'm not more in bed but on his lap instead.

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