Chapter Six

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I could kill Blake honestly. For the last year she's been with him, I honestly couldn't see what she saw in him.

She'd give some bullshit, 'oh he's changing you know. I know there's something deeper inside of his heart.'

There was something deeper, something more dangerous and wanting her all to itself.

And it irritated me more than I preferred.

He was a jackass and cheated on her constantly, when she didn't go to the parties he went to, he'd bring another woman or women home. Her inability to realize that he was a douche is beyond me.

I'm glad she's out of that relationship now but I wish she had seen it earlier. I ran my fingers through my dark hair and sighed, looking out the car window over to Jack and Devy.

I offered to drive them today because I had nothing else to do and I cared about Antonio as well.

He was like a second dad.

A better one.

My dad wasn't abusive or anything, but ever since mom had passed, he was different. Less affectionate and distant, it didn't make me mad, if anything, it had only hurt me because he was so distant when I needed him most...

Eleven years ago...

"Dad, c'mon play catch with me please." He was on the phone, talking to someone in Russian. I walked over to him, "dad?" He looked over at me and motioned for me to be quiet. I frowned and turned away from him, he took me to the park to play but wouldn't actually do anything with me. I looked around the park looking for other kids to play with.

Jackson and Devy were out with their mom so I couldn't hang out with them.

I honestly didn't mind because I could spend more time with dad, I barely got any time with him nowadays.

He was too busy because he was the CEO of his company, Markov Jewels, it was pretty cool honestly. He wants me to become the CEO one day, but I didn't exactly want to. I wanted to be a racer. Not a car racer, not formula one or even a street racer but a motorcycle racer, they were always so cool and seeing them whiz past cars and weaving in and out of traffic in the streets, made them even cooler. But dad said I had to become the next CEO. Nothing less, nothing more.

He finally put his phone away, I tugged at his jacket trying to get his attention, "dad c'mon, let's play catch before the sun sets." I smiled innocently at him but all he did was shake his head.

"No, we're going home. You've gotten your time at the park." He stood up, brushing his suit off and walked over to the car while mumbling about how dirty his suit got.

We were leaving. But why?

I hadn't done anything, didn't play with him or the other kids. I was always confused because we had always played catch. It was his and my bonding time while he wasn't working or out with mom.

But ever since mom died, he stopped. Everything we did stopped. No warning, no signs. He just stopped picking me up from school, having a car come and get me instead.

The sadness went away a while ago. I left it because all it did was keep me wondering, longing for his affection.

It felt as if his love died along with her.

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