Chapter 20

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"What do you mean by that?"

"Don't worry your little head about that, darling"

"Don't call me that" she snapped at him, and he smirked.

"Anyway, I will be leaving now. And I'm sure you wouldn't want to keep your husband on the floor" he said, emphasizing the "husband" like he was trying to pass a message across, but Amelia wasn't understanding it.

He smiled at her once more, before heading towards the door. When Amelia thought the creepy fellow was finally going to leave, he turned around again. This time his face didn't hold a smile or a smirk, it held anger and irritation.

"A friendly reminder" he began. "No one takes what belongs to me," he muttered in a gruff tone and the only feeling Amelia could elicit was fear. "Oh and also don't forget to tell Xavier that Martin sends his regards" he added the last part with a smile and Amelia watched as he left.

*Martin, that was his name* Amelia thought Inwardly as she slowly descended to Xavier's level. He looked calmer than he was minutes ago. It made her wonder what the man used on him. Whichever it was, she was glad he was okay.

"Xavier" she called out, but just as she had expected, there was no reply. That was bad because there was no way she could lift a full-grown man up the stairs. His lying on the cold floor wasn't such a good idea. He could catch a cold. Her thought drifted back to the fellow that came earlier, and she scowled. The fact that he just came in, did whatever he had to do, and left without carrying Xavier to the couch or anything made her even angrier at him.

The only reasonable solution was to try and place him on the couch closest and hope her energy would be enough to place him there.

She braced herself and grabbed his leg, dragging him towards the couch. It was certain that the ache he might feel after this would be immense, but this was the only way to keep him out of the cold floor. Hands first, legs, then she finally lifted his waist and he was soon laid on the couch.

As soon as it was over with, she collapsed on the floor, breathless, sweating profusely.

After one glance at him to confirm he was balanced properly, she rushed towards the door and shut it. The last thing she wanted was a freak coming in again.

"Oh my God" was the first thing she said to herself as soon as she found her words. These had to be the most hectic hours of her life, ranging from Xavier's sudden illness down to the weirdo that treated him.

Martin, she remembered vividly, and chills ran down her spine just by the thought of it


Xavier fell off the chair when he tried to tilt over. Holding his head in agony, he looked around. Nothing looked different, but it felt different.

Xavier couldn't find Amelia. He remembered vividly that he passed out on the floor. How did he get on the couch? There was no way Amelia could have lifted him, but if she wasn't the one, then who did? He contemplated as he stared around, confused.

The migraine was gone, and that was only possible if he was given his shot. Amelia certainly didn't do that. He said Inwardly at the same time, bringing out his phone from his pocket.

He held the phone to his ears and Amelia answered on the first ring.

"Xavier" she called out hastily like she had been expecting his call.

"Amelia, where are you?" He said in a gravelly, strained voice. He expected a reply, but the call ended and soon enough he heard footsteps running down the stairs.

The moment he saw Amelia, he heaved a sigh of relief. He didn't know why he felt slightly worried.

"Xavier, you are up"

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