Ch 24

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The night was still quite early, and Amelia was up. Sleep was far away from her eyes. She didn't see herself getting any of it. Tilting over to the other side of the bed, she sighed in exasperation, shutting her eyes once more, hoping the sleep she craved would come.

When it was certain she wasn't getting any sleep, she slipped out of her bed and made her way to the bathroom, dragging her feet against the cold floor, not even caring to search for her flip-flops.

She turned on the tap and let the water flow for a while before putting her face in it. She shivered slightly, exhaling from her mouth as the water caressed her skin. It was undoubtedly what she needed. She loved the way it soothed the discomfort. She looked at the mirror in front of her and smiled at her reflection. Her appearance was more appealing. Her pale skin appeared more appealing and less patchy than she had remembered.

*Could Xavier be asleep?* She thought to herself and instantly felt the need to confirm. If he was awake, then that would be goodbye to her boredom. They would have their normal bicker. That would be a perfect way to while away time.

Amelia turned off the tap and stepped out of the bathroom with the hope of meeting Xavier in the sitting room. It was 9 pm. He didn't seem like the type to fall asleep so early.

She headed for the door, twisted the door handle, and made her way out of the room. The hallway leading to the stair wasn't so dark, but it was quite hard to see.

Making her way down the stairs, she tried her possible best not to make a noise. If Xavier wasn't awake, then waking him up with her loud footsteps would surely make him cranky.

She made her way to the sitting room but didn't find him. *He was asleep then,* she concluded inwardly. The boredom increased, judging from the fact that the sitting room was just like her room; quiet and lonely.

In a bid to kill the boredom, she began to examine every painting she could find. The first painting she came across was a drawing of a chain accompanied by shackles. It was so detailed that Amelia thought it was an actual picture. It was a black and white painting.

Amelia stared at it for a while. As she admired it, it suddenly began to give off dark energy. The lonely, dark sitting room suddenly felt so creepy due to the painting. The quietness made her even more scared and she decided to leave the painting.

On getting to the other painting, she heaved a sigh of relief. The painting wasn't like the other one. It was more bright and the colors weren't as neutral as the first.

There was another painting still. It had the same energy as the first one but was less colorful than the second. It consisted of a group of people dressed in a tuxedo surrounding a table. On that table contained guns, alcohol, and some other stuff she couldn't recognize. She ran her hands across the painting. It was a certainty that the painting held a dark meaning to it. It was more of a mafia group, but everyone at the table had a strange, sad look.

Just when Amelia was about to leave the painting to go to the other painting, she tripped and in the process pushed the painting backward. The force of her hand made a box protrude from the painting.

Although she was supposed to leave the box where it was, curiosity didn't let her. She took the box and opened it. A gasp escaped from her lips as her eyes widened in shock. It was a gun

Amelia had never seen a gun in her life. Seeing one made her quiver. There was no doubt it belonged to Xavier. She was about to touch the gun when she heard the sounds of footsteps behind her.

She tried her best to keep everything in order, but she wasn't fast enough. The footstep was getting closer, and it was then she realized she was in big trouble.

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