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After Amelia had given Ken her order, he walked in to kill Martin.
He pulled the trigger as he sauntered towards Martin. He knew how sly Martin was and he wanted to end him before starting a conversation with him.

"And you are just going to do as she asked?"

"Shut the fuck up or you will be dead sooner than expected."

"And what do you think you will achieve after this?"

"I will succeed in keeping this mouth of yours shut for once"

"And you are still going to keep taking orders"

"As long as I get my pay after that"

"is that what you live for now?Looking forward to your pay at the end of the month? "

Ken chuckled, "I don't think you understand". He brought out the key of the cuffs and showed it to Martin. I have the power to keep you here for as long as I want and I also have the power to set you free. Guess what other power I have. I have the power to end you if I want" Ken smiled proudly.

"Remember when you tortured me to give off vital information? You were relentless. I remembered you didn't show any mercy"

"Xavier would do the same if he caught any of my men"

"I don't care about that" he brought the gun closer to Martin.

What Ken didn't know was, during the conversation, Martin was able to undo the rope that held his legs bound. Before Ken could decipher what was going on, Martin kicked him hard, sending him to the floor.

The key to the cuffs fell from the hand and Martin used the opportunity to grab it. Martin fell to the floor with his chair and he was able to pick the key up. Fastly, he undid the first cuff and was about to undo the second, but he was stopped.

Ken was already up on his feet. He jacked Martins's chair back up. At that point, Martin had both his legs free and a hand too, so he could fight, but not effectively enough.

Ken punched him repeatedly in the face, and Martin retaliated. He targeted his kick to Ken's knee, kicking it as hard as he could. Ken fell to the floor groaning in pain and Martin used the opportunity to get the other key.

Before Ken could fight back, Martin was already up on his feet. The both of them rushed to the gun on the floor. Ken was the first to pick it up, but Martin didn't give him a chance to fire it. He made sure he diverted the gun to the other side and the gun was fired in another direction.

They both struggled with the gun. Martin was able to knock the gun away from ken's hand. He then started punching Ken repeatedly on the face, with the aim of making him pass out

Ken was stronger than he thought. He flipped Martin around and he began his assault. He was about to reach for the gun, but Martin pushed him with all his might and he fell to the floor.

Martin was able to get the gun and before Ken could stand to fight, Martin pulled the trigger and repeatedly pumped bullets inside Ken. He continuously shot him and when he was satisfied, he bent to the already lifeless Ken, searching his body for another gun and he found it.

There was no way he could easily leave the house without Xavier's men noticing him and if they did, he was going to be ready.

He held the gun down and exited the room. He was able to make it out of the building they kept him in. He was in an open place as he walked through the premises of Xavier's house.

As he walked stealthily, she saw a lady speaking to one of the guards. He hid in one of the closest flowers. After careful observation, he was able to point out it was Erica. He gritted his teeth in anger. He hated her. Since she was no longer of use to him, he decided to end her.

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