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He stretched his hand towards the Bacardi, grabbed and withdrew it from the shelf. He placed the Bacardi on the table, walked out, and returned shortly with peach schnapps and cranberry juice.

He proceeded in pouring them into a cocktail shaker, half-filled with ice cubes. Shook them well enough, added the 151, and then turned them into a frosted cocktail glass. Added a splash of Sprite, shook thoroughly and Amelia deduced he was done.

"Seems your skills have being improved a lot," she said with amazement. "If you asked, me, that's a lot to learn in just a month"

"Things change. I'm not that guy that lingers at your working place, waiting for you to be done, then walk hand in hand with you all the way home" he said and Amelia nodded in agreement.

"This peter is much better, responsible" she stated. "But I still miss the other Peter, not so uptight"

Peter smiled and proceeded in pouring his blended wine into a glass. He stretched one to her and she grabbed it. A cold blended 151 was just what she needed for her tensed self. She appreciated him for it.

"Things change," he said to her again and Amelia shrugged, taking yet another sip from her glass while peter walked to her side and rested his back against the table, closest to where he stood.

"How's marriage?"

"This is the first time you are asking me about my marriage after about......?"

"what do you mean by that?"

"You changed ever since the day I told you about my marriage to Xavier," she said, placing the glass on her lips and gulping down the content.

"Don't rush it, it's stronger than you think" he warned and Amelia scoffed.

"Can you not try to change the topic. That's what you do every time but that only makes me more inquisitive"

"Amelia" he called out. "Can we not talk about this?"

"You changed, and you seem to claim it's all because you got more responsible, but I know deep down, that's not the reason"

"It's doesn't matter"

"Yes it does, just tell me the reason. I miss you peter, the old you"

"Amelia the drink is already acting up, I think you should drop it" he tried to stretch his hands towards her glass, but she retreated it.

"And again don't try to change the damn topic"

"I don't..."

"No peter, I'm not going to hear it, I just want to know why you are...."

"It's because I love you Amelia" he voiced out and silence followed. Her eyes widened in shock and her mouth dropped, leaving her too stunned to speak. His eyes held hurt and she didn't know how to react to what he said.


"I've always been in love with your Amelia. Ever since like forever. For a while, I thought you felt the same way, but you broke me when you announced you were getting married.

That was the least I expected and I didn't believe it for a while, I just couldn't believe it" he confessed and Amelia parted her lips to speak, but no word was coming forth. Her head was blank.

She didn't know how to feel or react. Her all-time friend just announced he was madly in love with her and she didn't know how to react.

Amelia grabbed her glass and devoured the whole content, narrowing her eyes and scrunching her eyebrows as the hotness of the drink streamed through her. The drink was so strong. She felt dizzy instantly and immediately regretted ever taking it all at once.

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