003 - Soft Drinks

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"There is nothing to spill," I say, giving the group a quizzical look as we begin walking through the hallway. "Yeah right, and I'm a fucking fairy princess" Flynn says, causing everyone to laugh.

"I have no idea what you mean, nothing was going on, I was just sitting next to him and from that I happened to discovered that he may not have been as annoying as I originally thought," I say in return, "besides it's not like I had a choice, I had to talk to him otherwise Connolly would have lost her shit, you guys know that"

"Yeah, yeah, just be sure to invite us to the wedding. Me and Flynn were at the front of the damn class and we could hear your giggles. Since WHEN do you giggle!?" Olivia questions. "Did he say anything about 'The Populars', Leah adds on, using a mocking tone at the end.

"No he didn't, I'm telling you the conversation was very basic," I reply. Alright, I'll admit, he did say a little bit about Lila, but that was not any of my business to share, although I do feel a twinge of guilt by not sharing the information with my friends.

Thankfully we stop that conversation there, as we begin to walk into the cafeteria. On today's menu there was pizza, fries and a drink of choice, which we all took diligently then proceeded to take our usual seats in the cafeteria. Our spot is perfect, we are right next to the windows and we are quite far away from any other tables, except The Populars, there table is located about 10 meters down, but it's only a small disadvantage in our amazing spot.

As everyone in our friend group takes their seats, we keep the conversation light, just complaining about our schedules and discussing who we have for our teachers. Through this conversation, I learned that I share most of my classes with the majority of my friends.

In our group, there is me (obviously), Flynn, Leah, Dior, Olivia and Brady. We all met in elementary school, and we have been inseparable ever since. As we have known each other for so long, most of our conversations just consist of repeated topics, but they are always interesting nonetheless, Flynn and Brady usually tell their stories in such dramatic ways that I would personally recruit them for Broadway.

"Guys I'll be right back, I'm gonna get another drink," I say, interrupting Dior's reenactment of her homeroom teacher. They all say quick goodbyes, as I start standing up to get another bottle of Fanta.

The line has died down a little bit more, only causing me to have to wait for a couple of minutes. As I am waiting, my comfortable silence is interrupted by a voice behind me saying, "See even the lunch ladies think pizza is better, I still can't believe u think burgers are better. It's an actual monstrosity." I turn around to reveal that it was Walker talking to me, with a slight smirk on his face, "Hello again, long time no see," he says.

"Hello again, are you stalking me because I have never seen you so much in one day. Also, stop shaming burgers, they are so good and you know it" I say, with a small smile on my face. "Sure they are..And no I'm not stalking you, I just came to get another bottle of Coke. But I could say the same about you, are you stalking me?" He replies.

"No don't be an idiot, I came to get another bottle of Fanta," I say, he flashes me a disgusted look which prompts me to warn, "Don't start with Fanta, it's my favourite drink and I will not take any criticism to it."

"You are one weird girl. First, it's the burgers now it's Fanta. Yuck, you need to switch up your choices, preferably to pizza and coke." He says the last part with a grin, as I'm about to respond with a snarky comment, the line starts to move forward and we both have to order.

As we both ordered at the same time, we ended up walking back at the same time as well. "I know what to do," Walker says as he takes my Fanta bottle out of my hands, as soon as I'm about to protest, he hands me his Coke bottle. I give him a confused look, prompting him to explain, "Just have that coke and I'll have your Fanta, that way we will both see which one is better."

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