004 - Texts

94 5 2

Instagram: [Annalee.T] - W.Scobell has requested to follow your account. {accept/deny}

I stare at my phone, squinting my eyes to check if what I read was correct. What the hell is happening?

And, I, being the rational person I am, throw my phone across the room, which I instantly regret as soon as it leaves my hands and makes a loud thudding noise on the floor. "Shit," I sigh, as I immediately start walking over to the other side of my bedroom to pick up my once-airborne phone.

My mind is at a war right now. One side of me is yelling 'Just accept it! It's no big deal, you are making something out of nothing!' While the other side is pleading the opposite, 'Don't you dare. You know what that boy and his friends have done to other people. Leave your only source of communication and engagement to be school and school only, accepting this request will be the start of the end and you know it!"

Wow, I really am overdramatic.

My mind continues fighting in this war but I don't know why. Surely it's not that big of a deal, it's just Walker, he probably thought it was the nice thing to do. It's not as if it's some revolutionary action, it's just following someone back on Instagram. I just blame the nerves on the thought of him seeing my posts and highlights, because what else could it be a result of?

I quickly collect my phone and run across my room again to jump into my comfy bed. After a few more minutes of internal debate, I decided to bite the bullet and click accept.

Well...that was underwhelming.

As I'm on my streak of courage, seeming to not think rationally about anything I decide to send him a quick spontaneous text:


Well hello again
You are never beating the stalker
allegations now

I put my phone to the side, not expecting him to reply, and start reading some of the final chapters in my current book. I'm one chapter before finishing my book, and finding out who the murderer is when my phone buzzes violently against my bedside table.

I won't lie, it violently scared me.

I pick up my phone and read the notification, I was expecting a weird text from Leah, but instead, I am greeted with a notification from Instagram. I click on the notification and am pleasantly surprised to see a text from Walker, I decide to reply and we end up having a brief, but interesting conversation.


Well hello
You are never beating the stalker
allegations now

I swear im not a stalker
Pinky promise
Anyway how did u like the Coke??

The Coke tasted like battery acid
With every sip, I felt a year of my poor life slip away

literally how it is the BEST drink ever
And stop being so overdramatic
Has anyone ever told you how overdramatic you are

It is the WORST drink ever tf
And I am not overdramatic
You might just be under dramatic, ever thought about that
Anyway how did u find the Fanta

It was..okay ig

Shut up you loved it didn't u

okay maybe I did
But I still think Coke is better

Don't worry
By the end of the year
you'll be a part of the Fanta cult :P

No way I'm a loyal Coke drinker
Anyway..I have a question
Not a question
More like a proposition
Maybe even a favour (1 id rlly appreciate)
No an offer
You don't have to say yes
But it would be awesome if you could
And Id rlly appreciate it

Okay stalker stop rambling
What is this offer/proposition/question

I can't tell you

how can u not tell me?
You just spent a minute rambling about it
And now you can't tell me?
You get a D- for this interaction

Ur grading me?
Also, I will EVENTUALLY tell you
So stop losing your shit

Okay then
When will you tell me?
Bc not gonna lie I'm curious

I'll tell you tmr
Do you reckon you could come to school an hour earlier
So we can settle out the plans and stuff

What the fuck
Did u kill someone?
Dw girl Ik what to do
We can go to those mountains filled with trees an hour away
Then we dig a 6ft wide and deep hole and deposit the body
We put dirt up to three feet then put a carcass
Deer? Maybe idk
But that will stop the police dogs from finding it

What the actual shit

Don't interrupt me
Anyway then we put the rest of the soil
Cover it in leaves, maybe put a plant on top
But make sure it looks like a normal forest floor
And not dug up
And maybe add some of sunflower's dog piss
To mask the smell

It's been 5 minutes respond pls

Sorry mb bro
I was just in shock
Have you by any chance done this before?

What a silly question

Was it? Was it really?
ANWYAY I do not need help
you psychopath
I'll tell you tomorrow
But how did u know about all that shit

I just finished reading a murder mystery
So yk it's still fresh in my mind

Great, I'll be sleeping with one eye open now

Good for u?
Okay stop I have to go to sleep
So goodnight

Why are you going to sleep
It's only 11

That's past my bedtime
I usually try to sleep 9:30-10:30

What are you 5?
I go to bed at like 3 am

Yeah that's not the flex you think it is
Anyway bye I'm tired

Don't let the bed bugs bite

Shut up
I'm scared of bugs

W.Scobell  liked a message

I quickly glance over the messages, smiling to myself. But as I said in the previous conversation I was actually tired, I could feel my eyes slowly closing. I turn off my lamp and snuggle up in my comforter, before falling into a dreamless, peaceful sleep.


lol this chapter was not that good
It was just a filler tho so excuse the shortness of the chapter
But I hope u enjoy their interactions and dynamic so far!
The next chapter should be interesting

Question of the chapter:

What is better TikTok or Instagram Reels?

Also guys thank you sm for 23 reads!! I rlly appreciate it x

Word count: 1113
Lots of love
- rabbit x

Polaroid Of Us - Walker ScobellOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz