005 - The Proposition

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This morning I was woken up by a blaring alarm, using the motivation of yesterday's conversation with Walker, as a reason to not snooze it as I usually always did.

I had already arranged plans for Shane and Gigi to get taken by our neighbour, Alice, to their schools as I planned on heading out an hour early. To make up not seeing them in the morning I arranged their lunch, which consisted of a chicken schnitzel sandwich, (their favourite) with a side of crisps as well as $5 each because I had no idea if they would be hungrier or not.

My high school offers an earlier timeframe for opening and closing. It opens at 7 am and closes at 6 pm, despite the fact that school hours are between the hours of 9 am to 4 pm. It is apparently for students who want to come earlier and "focus" and "study" for their upcoming tests, but I don't believe anyone could ever be willing to go to school early just to study. Because of this, I highly doubt any other students will be there this morning.


As I started walking down to the bus stop I started to wonder about all the things that Walker could tell me, and why he couldn't just say it in homeroom. We just had our first real conversation yesterday, it's not like it could be anything serious, right? But what could it be!? What if he tried to kill me? I don't know him well enough so it could be a possibility, maybe this wasn't such a good idea.

I try and push these thoughts out of my mind, as I send a text our friend group chat, surely someone had to be awake by now.

Failed abortions

Good morning guysssss
I'm on my way to school now kill me
Idk why but Walker texted me yesterday
Saying he needed to tell me something
Isn't that weird
Just thought I'd let yk in case I die

Since when r u up so early
Also be safe and don't get killed I'd ruin my mood
Alsooo tell us what he says I'm kinda interested
in annawalker or whatever that shit Flynn made up was

Mamma Mia, it's Leah
Oh my gosh.
Why did I not know about this
now remember to tell us every little detail at lunch today

That one expensive brand?
please have mercy on me
I'm just trynna sleep and my phone is buzzing nonstop
Thank you goodnight be safe x :)

Damn okay Shawn Mendes
My bus just got here
Tell u all what happens xx


The bus ride was uneventful, I just sat and read while listening to some music. However as I live pretty close to the school, it only took about ten minutes. Once it stopped outside of my school, I hopped out but not before saying a small "thanks" to the bus driver, and start heading towards the entrance.

The place is eerily quiet, which contrasts greatly to the loud and chaotic environment I am used to. I walk around, unsure of where I was supposed to meet Walker, every step I take echoes in the empty halls that are decked with notices and posters of back-to-school clubs for freshmen to join.

As I turn the corner that leads me into the cafeteria, I swear I see a shadowy figure in the corner of my eye. But I still cannot hear any footsteps, except my own, so I assume it was simply a figment of my imagination.

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