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There once were three deities who could never agree on what to do with their creations.

Two of them one day waged war, to decide who was right.

The third one, did all that it could to try and stop their siblings, but no matter how hard they tried, they would fail.

One day, a man appeared, tired of this conflict, and stood up against the two battling deities.

With the help of the third deity, this man became a hero and stopped the other two gods who finally saw the error of their way.

As punishment to themselves, the two gods decided to reincarnate as mortals. The third deity as a precaution, had the hero reincarnate with the two Gods, in case they were to ever restart their bitter rivalry.

Which they did... Many, many, many times...

And the hero would stop them... But it has now been 1000 years since the last hero appeared...

And in that time, the reincarnations of the two deities have been left loose to fight.

It is the "Era of Advancement" Steam-powered machines are integrated nearly everywhere.

The two eternal rivals meet yet again after killing each other in their previous life where they started a world war.

But now, in a college, the rivalry begins a new one.

A young maiden strutted across the street. She hid her star-like blue eyes behind round glasses.

It was vague from her blouse and wool button sweater over her white button shirt if she was a scholar or librarian.

Either way, she had a determined look to her. One that stopped anyone from interrupting or getting in her way.

Steam-powered gates opened as she entered the campus of an esteemed college.

Making her way into the courtyard, she was finally stopped by the only being that had the gull and power to rival her determination and intelligence.

He stood twice her size, with well-defined muscles which could not be hidden under the scholar suit he wore.

The two gave each other a glare unlike any other.

If they could attack. They would.

If they could end the other's life, they would.

If they were alone, far from everyone. Blood would rain.

But they knew better than to fight in public..... After trial and error.

The maiden, known as Xilianna, spoke.

Xilianna: Scum.

The Nomatic scholar called Yigael responded with...

Yigael: Pest.

Xilianna: Watch your back. Or you'll have a blade to it.

Yigael: You do not have the strength to pierce my flesh.

The Maiden tried walking around, but the Nomad walked into her, causing Xillianna to drop her glasses.


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