Beat of Time

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In a hoodie, a person hiding their face stumbled across a city.

Coming across a woman in a red dress, they rush over, their eyes glowing like ambers.

Shoving everyone in his way with a surprising amount of force, the hooded person pins the woman to a wall in public.


Several guys walk in to try and help, but all they managed to do is pull off the person's hood, revealing a mutated face. A tumor-ridden body, making them unrecognizable.

Pounding their chest, this mutant kills the men who tried to stop them in less than a second. They then approached the woman once more as everyone else ran for their lives, except for one man.


With short brown hair and a red shirt under a black suit jacket, they approached with a futuristic stopwatch hanging around his neck with a beating heart symbol on it.


???: Come in quietly... And we'll help you.

The mutant turned around to look at the man. They raise their arm to bang their chest as the man grabs his stopwatch, its screen changing to a pulsing wave.

???: Your sister cannot save you... But I can potentially help... Or eradicate you.

???: Choose wisely.

They bang their chest as the man taps the stopwatch.



Time slows to a crawl. The hood-wearing mutant runs up to the man, but to their surprise, the man deflects their hit and punches them in the face.

???: I'll make it quick.

Calmly walking up to them, the man lands several hits.

Not able to land a single hit, the hoodie-wearing mutant runs towards a building, running up it.

The man follows, running up the building himself.

Catching them by the hood, the man throws the mutant back to the ground.

Standing on the side of a building the man looks down on the mutant, before reaching behind his waste to pull out a futuristic dagger.

It hummed as the man leaped off the side of the building, falling as if there was less gravity on Earth.

The mutant leaped up to attack, but they were met with a blade.

When they both landed, the mutant watched their arm fall off and crumble like sand.

???: I'm sorry it had to come to this. But ironically... time is not something we have much off.

Stabbing the mutant in the heart, they crumble into nothing.

"3...2...1... Resume"

Time moves at its natural pace once more. And leaving nothing but a cold breeze. The man leaves as vans arrive with military men hopping out of them.

The man watches from afar, fiddling with his stopwatch.

(Some time ago....)

Doctor Gerald Highnemis is a brilliant man and inventor.

"High Tech" his company is a multinational technology developing enterprise. Their goal is to develop technology that would help mankind live a life of peace.

As per Doctor Highnemis's philosophy of peace, which has led him to deny many militaristic partnerships.

Doctor Highnemi's philosophy however had its limits.

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