Devil May Cry; New Blood

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"We're being invaded!!"

"Don't Do it!!

"Lend me your power..."

"If I am to perish... Let it be by your hands!"

"It was an honor... For you of course."



(The next morning......)


In the wreckage of some bizarre facility, two women slaughtered demons rummaging around.

One wore white and had red and blue eyes which almost distracted them from her massive rocket launcher.

Beside her, in black, was a blond-haired woman with two pistols that came with a shock

Upon clearing out the last few demons, the two stumbled upon debris that had clearly been moved. Demon blood stained the area. Somebody was here, and before they could think of who it could have been, they heard the familiar sound of their motorcycle revving off in the distance.

(The Next day....)

A man in a red leather jacket and a sword on his back arrived in front of a bar in the middle of nowhere.

Getting off his bike with a "Devil May Cry" logo on it, he strutted up to the bouncer.

Bouncer: You aren't on the list.

Man: Do you know who I am?

Bouncer: No.

Man: Neither do I.

Snatching their list of names, the man quickly writes one on it.

Man: But I think this is my name.

He then hands the list back to the bouncer.

Bouncer: "Adam"?

Adam shoves the bouncer aside and barges into the bar.

Adam:(smirks) Don't wear it out.

Everyone inside immediately notices Adam who walks around as if he was a big shot.

Adam: Listen up you barnyard inbred beast licking washed up wannabes!!

Adam: I have no memories. The exception is 3 things!

Adam: The name, Adam. The name, Satenael. And this outhouse.

Adam: I can tell you three things about myself.

Adam: My name is Adam. I think I'm pretty strong. And I think this sword on my back is sharp.

Adam: By ALL means... Consider yourself in danger.

Adam: Because every fiber in my being is telling me... "Kill, kill, kill"...

Adam: So. Whoever can tell me anything I want to hear... Do so now and have no regrets.




Everyone, besides the bartender, transforms into a demon as Adam becomes covered in demonic power.

Adam:(smirks) Surrounded by demons... Nowhere to run...

Adam: I must have been a psychopath before losing my memories.

Adam:(smiles) Or I guess, I still am.

He draws his blade, that seemed to be a fusion of a sword and whip.

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