(7)Hide and seek.

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"I'm a fool." Y/N mumbled out loud.
There was very little space, all four of them were pressed against each other like sardines in a can. Stone was the least fortunate of all. He was pressed on both sides, Y/N on one side, Vinnie on the other. Skipp was pressed against Y/N's back, he didn't feel uncomfortable, he even had a little fun from the whole situation.
"Well, now we have to wait until the cops leave and we can go out." Vinnie said.
"How will we know that the police have left?" Y/N asked.
"Uh... Well, let's send someone on reconnaissance. Well, I don't think you can handle it, Y/N, so let Skipp go, he's a good scout." Vinnie said.
"There's no better scout than Stone." Skipp said with a smile.
"Shut up." Stone said irritably.
Skipp tried to climb out of the trash can, but Y/N's back prevented him from doing so.
"Oh, sorry." Y/N said and made room for Skipp to get out. But she pressed herself even closer to Stone, which he didn't like and he frowned.
"Hurry up, Skipp." Stone said annoyed and impatient.
Skipp finally climbed out of the trash can to scan the street for police. When he was sure that no police were around, he opened the lid of a big trash can and reported. "The path is clear, not a single cop is around."
One by one they climbed out of the trash can, now Stone could breathe a sigh of relief. "Finally..." Stone mumbled under his breath.
"Well, let's go to our 'lair'." Vinnie said and walked down the road.
Everyone followed Vinnie. Skipp held Y/N by the sleeve so that she wouldn't go astray and get lost, he also told her a lot of things, because of which Y/N's smile didn't fade for a long time. Skipp became like a real little brother to Y/N in such a short time that she even started to think that maybe it was a good idea to run away from home and walk around the city. Finally, she will be able to feel what true friendship is. But she was still disturbed by the fact that, unlike Vinnie and Skipp, Stone was cold towards her. Did he not like making new friends or was he just always like that? Or did Y/N just do something wrong that upset him and he didn't want to become friends with her? This Y/N didn't know for sure, maybe if she later asks Vinnie or Skipp why Stone is like this, they might give her answers to these questions. But for now it's better to enjoy this moment, a moment of happiness that she hasn't experienced for a long time.
Unfortunately, all such moments sooner or later come to an end, just like this one. Vinny overheard the police talking. She hid behind the wall and pointed with her finger that they should be silent. Everyone fell silent and began to listen carefully to the police conversation.
"I'm telling you, we won't find those street rats!" The first policeman said.
"Come on, we'll find them." The second policeman said, but then added. "But I don't want to bother with this all day, so if we don't find them by the evening, then we won't look for them anymore, okay?"
The first policeman thought a little. "Okay. Let's split up and then meet again here in the evening." He said.
When both policemen left, Vinnie looked at the guys. "Damn, the cops are still looking for us. Let's split up too. I'll be with Skipp!" She said.
"So you're telling me I should run away from the cops with her?" Stone asked, pointing his finger at Y/N. And again this coldness towards Y/N.
"Of course, at the same time you'll teach her how to hide well from the cops." Vinnie said with a smile. "Well, bye!" She said as she grabbed Skipp and ran away from the guys.
"Bye! We'll go to our 'lair'!" Skipp said and waved goodbye.
An awkward silence hung between Stone and Y/N. She turned to Stone. "So, how are we going to get to this 'lair' of yours?" Y/N asked, breaking the awkward silence. "We'll just take a different path. Try not to get caught by the cops." Stone said and went down a different path.
Y/N caught up with Stone.
And again that awkward silence that Y/N hates. You can't even think of anything to talk about here. Although Stone probably doesn't want to talk to her. They walked along the road between some abandoned houses. Y/N looked around. It was dirty all around, there was even a dead cockroach lying somewhere on a discarded sofa. Y/N felt disgusted, this was not what she was used to. But she can't show it, otherwise she'll give herself away, reveal that she's not really an hobo like Stone, Skipp and Vinnie.
Passing by some abandoned building, Y/N, out of curiosity, looked into the window, which was broken. She quickly scanned the room, but then her attention was drawn to something lying on the floor. She looked closer and saw that it was the corpse of a man. He was mutilated and had small cockroaches running all over his body. Y/N pulled away from the window in horror, but her back slammed into Stone who standing behind her. She raised her head and looked at him.
"What?" Stone asked without showing any emotion.
Y/N couldn't find her voice to say what she saw and simply pointed her finger at the window.
Stone sighed and looked through the window. He saw the same corpse. "And you were scared of that? You've never seen corpses before?" Stone asked.
"I- I've seen corpse before, but not like this..." Y/N said in a quiet trembling voice.
Stone shrugged and walked further down the road.
Y/N quickly ran up to Stone and grabbed his arm, she felt uneasy about this place. He was of course surprised by this and removed her hand from his arm.
"Dont touch me." Stone said and walked away faster, leaving Y/N behind him.
"Wait! Don't leave me here!" Y/N said to Stone and ran after him.

In a few minutes.

Y/N and Stone left that abandoned area.
Y/N couldn't stand another silence. "Do you know what happened to that man?" Y/N asked.
Stone frowned. "How the fuck should I know? I've never seen this fucking man in my life. And stop asking stupid questions, you're annoying." Stone said.
Y/N stopped. Stone's words offended her. "Well, at least I'm trying to establish friendly relations with you!" Y/N said.
"I don't give up on your stupid friendship, go away and return to your stupid town, where there is no sadness and everyone is happy." Stone said annoyed and walked further away from Y/N.
"Well... uh... Fuck you!...I-.. I can get to this 'lair' myself!" Y/N said and ran in the other direction with tears in her eyes. She swore for the first time and she was even a little ashamed of it, but Stone offended her.
Stone looked back, Y/N was nowhere to be found. "Fuck, now I have to look for her... cool, just fantastic. Thank you, Vinnie..." Stone said annoyed and went to look for Y/N. "Hey, Y/N! Don't be a fool, you might get caught by the cops!" Stone yelled wandering along the path.

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