(13)Return of the She-Devil.

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Y/N wiped away her tears. "Yeah... I'm back... I'd rather stay on the street..." Y/N said, trying not to cry even more.
"Then I'll tell the cook to prepare breakfast... What would you like for breakfast?" He asked.
Y/N stood up from the floor and picked up her hairbrush. "Tea... just regular tea." She said calmly, although there was a storm of emotions inside her. She started combing her hair again.
"Just tea? What about food? Are you feeling bad if you don't want to eat?" Mr. White asked. "It doesn't matter... I'd like some regular tea." Y/N said. "Well, I could make you some tea myself, but I would advise you to at least eat a little. Maybe at least have a sandwich?" Mr. White said.
"Okay..." Y/N said without resisting.

20 minutes later Y/N was already sitting at the table in the dining room. On the table in front of her was a cup of hot tea and a delicious sandwich. This sandwich featured well-done bacon, melted cheese, a fried egg, and ketchup, all on two golden-toasted slices of bread. And Y/N just sat and looked at one point continuously.
She didn't want to eat, she just wanted to cry.
Y/N took a cup from her hand and drank some tea. But before she had time to bite into the sandwich, she immediately hears the slam of the front door. She, mother, has returned. Y/N will have to forget what peace is.
Y/N sighed, she felt even worse. She took a deep breath to calm down and went into the hallway to meet her mother.
Y/N put on a smile. "Hello mom, how was your trip?" Y/N asked.
Mother frowned. "Where are your manners? Have you forgotten everything I taught you?" She asked. Well, of course, she can't greet her daughter normally, she needs to immediately criticize her.
"No, Mom..." Y/N mumbled.
The servant helped mother take off her coat.
"You better remember your manners when our guests arrive." Mother said and walked further into the house.
Y/N looked at her mother in surprise. "Guests? What guests?" Y/N asked and followed her mother.
"Didn't you read the letter I sent you? Well, then that explains why you didn't send me an answer to the letter." The mother's voice came from some room in the house.
Soon there will be guests in this mansion, but it's definitely not today, maybe tomorrow? Y/N didn't understand why her mother invited guests here. "You wanted to brag about how fucking awesome your mansion is, or what?" Y/N thought.
Mother opened her suitcase. "I bought you a decent dress, but among the guests there will be family friends with that guy I told you about. You have to look decent, and maybe you'll be lucky and that guy will like you." The mother said, placing the light lilac dress in Y/N's hands.
"What?" Y/N asked.
"Oh my god, looks like there's a lot to work on before the big night." Mother said.

In the evening.

Y/N got dressed in her pajama dress, which she is going to sleep in. She put her clothes in the closet and went to her bed. Suddenly there was a knock on her door and it opened.
It was Mr. White, a kind old man whom Y/N could trust with her worries. "Sorry for coming in so late, but I would like to know what your adventures were on the street, that you returned only yesterday." Mr. White said with a smile.
"Mr. White, I'm sorry I didn't tell you about this earlier, I just wasn't in the mood at all..." Y/N said.
"Yes, I saw that, you usually didn't refuse a sandwich." He said.
Y/N looked down at her bare feet. "I know, but at least you had a good breakfast." Y/N said with a small smile.
Mr White laughed. "Haha...that's for sure." He said.
Mr. White looked at Y/N. "I won't force you to tell, if you're not in the mood or you just don't want to share it, I'll understand." He said.
Y/N looked at Mr. White. "No, no, I'll tell you now." Y/N said.
After these words, Y/N began to talk about her adventures on the street.
20 minutes have passed...

"Actually, I think he doesn't want to see me anymore..." Y/N said, wiping away her tears.
Mr. White took a pack of tissues and handed it to Y/N.
She took the pack from Mr. White's hands. "Thank you," Y/N said, sniffling.
"Hmm, your adventures have a sad ending..." Mr. White said and looked at Y/N. "Don't worry, everything will be fine, I'll help you in any way I can." He said.
Y/N nodded. Mr. White was like the grandfather she never had, which is why she trusted him with her problems. He was the only person close to Y/N that she could rely on. She got new ones, but then there was only one Mr. White again.
"Come on, go to bed, tomorrow will be a difficult day for everyone." Mr White said. He turned off the light and left Y/N's room, closing the door.
"Good night..." Y/N mumbled and lay down on the bed.

The next day.

Y/N's mother lectured her again about how to behave and all that, but Y/N didn't listen. She looked out the window, she saw people walking. She also wanted to go for a walk, but she couldn't sneak out into the street, and Y/N doesn't know the streets as well as Stone, or Vinnie, or Skipp. She missed them, they were fun, but now she was stuck here. She felt like a princess imprisoned in a fortress, waiting to be rescued by a handsome prince. It's a pity that Prince Charming is not a prince at all, and he doesn't want to see her.
"Young lady, do you understand me?" Mother said.
Y/N looked at her mother. "Yes mother." Y/N said.
"Great, then let's take care of your appearance." The mother said and opened Y/N's closet to find that light lilac dress that she had brought for her daughter.
Y/N sighed. "I won't leave here soon..." She thought.

Although Y/N didn't see it, Vinnie and Skipp were hiding on her balcony, they were eavesdropping.

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