(12)Bitter truth.

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It was at night, probably already midnight. Y/N slept soundly after such an exciting walk with Stone. Vinnie and Skipp were also sleeping, but someone still was awake...

Stone waited until everyone fell asleep, and when that time came, he quietly stood up. Stone decided to take a short walk to enjoy the silence of the night alone.
But when Stone stood up, he accidentally touched Y/N with his hand, which disturbed her sleep. Y/N opened her eyes and saw only Vinnie and Skipp fast asleep... But where is Stone? She raised her head and caught a glimpse of a figure who had gone somewhere. "Stone..?" Y/N said quietly.
Y/N stood up carefully and followed the figure. She looked around the corner and saw Stone's figure. "Where is he going?" Y/N thought.
Surprisingly for Y/N, Stone turned around and looked at her. "You don't know how to be quiet and secretive..." Stone said.
Y/N slowly walked around the corner, looking down guiltily. "Sorry..." Y/N mumbled.
Stone sighed. "Okay, let's go." Stone said.
"Huh? Wait...Aren't you mad at me?" Y/N asked and followed Stone.
Stone said nothing.
Y/N even felt awkward. "Where are we going?" She decided to ask.
"To the roof " Stone said.

On the roof.

Stone helped Y/N climb onto the roof. There was a white moon shining in the sky and beautiful stars in the dark blue sky.
Y/N looked back and smiled. "It's beautiful here at night." Y/N said with a smile.
"Yeah, I know." Stone said and sat down on the edge of the roof.
"You know? So you come here at night?" Y/N asked.
Stone turned around and looked at Y/N. "Sometimes." He said.
Y/N sat down next to Stone on the edge of the roof. But then she remembered that the last day would soon come before her mother returned. Y/N decided that maybe she should tell Stone some truth.
Y/N looked at Stone. "Can I tell you a little about myself?" Y/N asked with a smile.
Stone was a little surprised by this and looked at her in response. "And what else do I need to know about you, other than that you're a worthless hobo and a pain in the ass?" Stone asked, although it was unnoticeable, he mean it like a joke.
Y/N smiled awkwardly, she didn't know how to take it as a joke or an insult. "I...well, I guess I should start by saying that I'm actually...." Y/N said, but was afraid to finish the sentence.
Stone raised an eyebrow. "You what?" He asked, with a small hint of a smile.
Y/N swallowed nervously. "I... I'm not a real hobo..." She said.
Stone chuckled a bit. "Well, I can see it." Stone said.
"Did he take it as a joke?" Y/N thought. "No, I'm serious." She said out loud.
Stone stopped smiling weakly and looked at Y/N. "What?" He asked.
"Look, I know this might be a shocking thing for you, but..... But I hope that you will understand and we will still be friends or whatever we are to each other..." Y/N said, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. "Actually, I... come from a rich family. My mom just left for five days and I decided to go for a walk and then I met you and..." Y/N said, but was interrupted by Stone.
Stone stood up.
His face was full of sadness, resentment and anger. "I was already starting to think that I could trust you, that you would be honest with me... And you lied from first day... I'm such an idiot..." Stone said. "Go to your luxurious house or what ever you live in! Go away! I don't want to see you anymore!" He said irritably and even somehow offended.
"Stone, no... I..." Y/N mumbled. Small tears appeared in her eyes. She ruined everything.
Stone was about to leave, but Y/N stopped him. "Stone..." Y/N said.
He looked at her, maybe she would say something that would convince Stone and they could remain friends?
"Can you at least show me which way the residential area for the rich is...?" Y/N asked in a quiet voice that was muffled by her tears.
Stone frowned even more and pointed his finger in the direction where Y/N should go.

In 20 minutes.

Y/N walked down the street, tears streaming down her cheeks. Her life began to improve, and they all immediately collapsed. Her hopes for a happy life were also destroyed. She could only go home, to the house that she had recently moved, but already hated.
Finally she reached the mansion.
Of course, mom had not arrived back yet, because there was still one day left before her return. Y/N wanted to enter through the gate, but discovered that it was closed. So she just climbed over the gate. She walked along the path and went inside.
Everyone: the servants, the cooks and even Mr. White were already asleep.
Y/N simply walked up the stairs to her room. When she got there, she locked her door and just collapsed on the bed. She cried into her pillow for at least 20 minutes before falling asleep.

In the morning Y/N woke up. Oh, how she wanted it to be just a stupid dream, but reality is cruel. She opened her eyes and instead of a gateway, she saw her room. She never thought that she would feel better on the street than in the most comfortable room at home.
Y/N looked at her clothes. The same light blue shirt and trousers that Stone found for her at the landfill. Y/N smiled, but her smile quickly faded.
She decided that she needed to get her appearance 'in order', because her mother could come at any minute, Y/N knew her. Mother loved comes home ahead of schedule.
Y/N looked in the closet and found a decent dress and went to the shower. Standing in the shower, she thought that she could easily trade this comfortable bed, warm shower and this rich life for life on the street with Vinnie, Skipp and Stone. She knew that life on the street was terrible, but she was starting to like it. She even almost got used to all this. "I miss you guys already..." Y/N said quietly.
Y/N got out of the shower and got dressed. She looked in the mirror and began combing her hair. But it was not easy to comb them, because during these four days of freedom, they could become very tangled. "Fucking hair!" Y/N exclaimed and threw the hairbrush on the floor.
Y/N sat down on the cold floor of the bathroom, tears appeared in her eyes again, and then there was a knock on the door and a familiar voice.
"Miss? Are you back already?" Mr. White's voice asked.
Y/N wiped away her tears. "Yeah... I'm back... I'd rather stay on the street..." Y/N said, trying not to cry even more.

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