chapter 1

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As the young girl lays on her stomach in her bed, her two slender arms are crossed beneath her chest, and she places her head down and looks around her 'almost' empty room.

It was her childhood room, and now that she's starting her journey as a college student, she won't be back in her comfort room for the next four years or more. The young girl took a breath, shut her eyes, and let the cool air wind inside her room.

Goosebumps begin forming on her petite arms, the girl's long, wavy red locks fall in her back, and behind her is the silky white ribbon, tied in her hair. Since she was a little girl, she already loved wearing bows and ribbons as her accessory hair, she never let a day pass without wearing one of them. It was peaceful and quiet

Lolita Hazel Collins just turned eighteen a few weeks ago, and now the young girl was gonna move to a new state where her parents had decided to enroll her in a university, The University of Eastview

One of the oldest and best universities in America. It wasn't the girl's choice to be moved away from the town

but since her parents weren't treating her that well, the girl hoped everything would go out smoothly when she finally arrived at the university in Washington

" Lo! Lolita! Get down here "

But she was interrupted when she heard her mom shout her name downstairs, the young girl stood from her bed and grabbed her bag "Coming! " she said and made her way downstairs, the girl chose to wear one of her black short skirts and pastel pink top, wearing her single Marry Jane shoe that her grandparents gifted to her, she has no other shoes.

Her eyes landed on her Mother, Grace Collins, a petite woman with long brown hair and the same bright green eyes as hers, she huffed her smoke and watched her daughter walk downstairs

" Finally, I've been calling you for a few minutes! " her mom complained and walked out of the house. Lolita's head stays low, walking past her mom with shame on her face

" I'm s-sorry " the girl apologized

her soft voice almost turning into a whisper. But her mom didn't say anything and slammed the front door shut, not saying another word to her

they walked towards their car where Lolita's luggage was loaded in the trunk. The girl said in the back, making sure she had the seatbelt on, their trip to the airport began

Lolita was silent in the back, her large green eyes staring at the trees passing by in the window, while her parents began bricking each other about the girl. Lolita was the only child, her dad used to say to her that she was an accident when they found out about her. For Lolita, she cannot help but not feel being a burden to her parents

She took a deep breath and looked at the bag beside her, she opened the zipper and then grabbed out the book she was currently reading. Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov

A few days ago when the girl was at an old bookshop, she was looking around for books that would catch her interest, until one moment, her eyes landed on the Lolita book. She realized that the twelve-year-old girl in the book had the same name as hers, but what made her confused was that the girl in the book had almost the same personality as hers.

In their town, the neighbors see the girl as naive, pure, and innocent. That's what they describe her, she's sweet and giving but also anyone can fool the redhead girl.

With one glance at her smile, it was enough to light the entire room with the life in her.

She didn't realize the car stopped in front of the airport. Lolita was too busy reading a book until she looked up and saw the airport outside through the window. The girl rushed to the book and shoved it inside her bag. She and her parents walk out of their car, Cedric Collins grabs a trolley and places her luggage in it

" Thank you, Dad, " The girl says, placing her bag above and turning to her parents, a small pang of sadness comes through in her chest, surely, she'll miss her parents. But Lolita wonders if they'll too

"Well, here you are. Make sure your mom and I will not get any calls about you from the school " Cedric hissed toward the girl, Lolita swallowed thickly and nodded her head, while Grace rolled her eyes

"Now go, you silly girl, you'll miss your flight, " She says. Lolita longs for one hug from her parents, but clearly, they do not care. So the girl pushed her trolley and began walking inside the airport with tears forming in her eyes

She couldn't help but not feel scared, she was lonely and didn't know what to do.

Lolita walked past a group of middle-aged men, they were staring at her, staring at the young girl with desires in their eyes. Lolita felt their gaze didn't leave hers even though she was already meters away from them. It was making her slightly uncomfortable

" H-Hi, I'm here for the 10:00 am flight to Washington " the girl stuttered as she faced the woman who was sitting behind the desk, she looked up and smiled at her

" Can I have your passport and ticket missed? " the woman asks

Lolita nods her head and immediately looks for her things, handing them over to the woman at the desk. She examines it for a moment before giving it back to her

"Great then, are you alone, miss? " She asked, and Lolita nodded her head again. The time the girl walked into the hallway with her bags, she stepped inside the gate and gave the ticket to the staff. She sat beside a window and finally took a deep breath

Lolita | 18+Where stories live. Discover now