chapter 2

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When the driver announced that they were already at the place, Lolita pulled out her wallet and paid the driver with the cash

the young girl took a step out of the taxi, she held her bag strap on her shoulder as the girl shits the door took her luggage's from the back. The moment she looked up at the large building in front of her, Lolita couldn't help but not to stare in amazement

Other students were walking out from the entrance, some spending their time with their friends on the grass.

" Lolita! " Then she heard her name being called behind her by a familiar voice

a large grin spread across the girl's face as she turned around and saw her long-time best friend, Jane Margarette. The redhead girl ran and tightly embraced her.

Jane was her classmate since they were in kindergarten to elementary, the two girls grew up close to each other, almost like sisters

They share secrets and they share some favorite likings, until high school, when they go apart when Jane's parents decide to move to Washington, Lolita lets out a giggle and pulls away

" oh gosh, how have you been?! It's been a long time " Jane adds and pulls her in one more hug

the redhead couldn't express how happy she was right now. To be back with her best friend, and now going to the same college university together

" I truly couldn't wait to see you again " Lolita replies as they both smile at each other

" well, good thing you're now here! Come on, I'll show you our dormitory together " She says and Lolita nods her head

Jane helps her with her stuff as the two girls begin walking together inside the campus. The University was big, with endless hallways and corridors, it was also one of the surviving school in America

Tall pillars, stone brick walls, and chandeliers up in the ceilings. As the two girls walk together, Jane begins telling Lolita the ways of school, she doesn't know if she can remember all of it, but for sure, she'll be lost during her first days at the university. After a few minutes of walking, they finally reached the Dorms

" on the left is the boy's dormitories, and to the right is ours. The school has strict rules about it, you know, the teachers cannot see two different genders in one room " Jane explains as they both begin walking up the stairs, the redhead could feel her legs begin to grow tired from all of the walks

" teachers? What are they like? "They can't help but not to ask. Jane turned to her with a smile

" they're good, there's a few of them, but I'll explain it to you later " She replies

Lolita doesn't say anything else but nods her head in response. When Jane gave her a key, Lolita walked inside her dormitory just beside Jane's

There was a single bed on the side, a bedside table, a closet, a study table, and chairs, as well as shelves and a large window on the wall. It was small but Lolita was happy with her own space

She begins unpacking her things and stuff, with the help of her best friend, they were finished quickly


It took them hours of organizing and designing the room, the two girls ended up exhausted but in the end, it was worth it. Lolita has her white fluffy blankets with small pink floral designs on them on her bed, and fairy lights hanging on the wall. The new few books she owns are on the white shelf

Her stationery is organized on the study table. She finally made it look more alive

"Oh, I'm tired, wanna grab a coffee with me outside? " Jane offers and Lolita can't help but not feel a little bit excited when her best friend mentions coffee. The redhead is a coffee addict, it makes her more energetic whenever the sugar spikes in her.

" Absolutely! " the girl replied and they left the campus. There were many stores outside the university, and just a few blocks away, she already spotted a cafe

" Hello, what can I get for you?

As they entered, the staff at the counter greeted them. Instead of the menu Lolita was gonna look, her eyes fell on the pastries on the shelf. The girl's mouth began to water and there were many choices of parties she wanted to get

" what do you want Lolita? " Jane asked and turned to her friend

" oh! I'll have a vanilla latte, please! And one cinnamon roll " Lolita replies and the staff nods. The two girls paid for their food and waited for their order, they finally took a seat as Lolita took a bit of the cinnamon roll.

It caused her eyes to shut, with the flavors and softness, it was like fireworks inside her mouth

Jane chuckled at her reaction and took a sip of her iced coffee

"Well, any expectations for our first day tomorrow? " She asks and Lolita turns to her, swallowing the food in her lump.

" I think... It will go out smoothly " She replies. Lolita how feels happy with her new surroundings

she's now away from her parents, no longer hearing their hurtful words about her. With her new dormitory room and school, she feels excited for tomorrow

" oh me too! My brothers have been telling me many good things about the school " Jane adds.

Lolita sees her best friend as smart because Jane Margaret never failed any of her classes since they were in elementary. She's the one who pulled the redhead girl in the library, where her obsession about books begin to grow at her.

Lolita hoped everything will turn out well for her first day

Lolita | 18+Where stories live. Discover now