chapter 4

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When Lolita woke up the next morning, the young girl couldn't contain her excitement

today was her first day in the university. After she took a shower, the girl stared at herself in the mirror while she started styling her long hair, she grabbed a few pieces of her hair from each of the front sides and began braiding it in the back

Lolita tied the hairtie to it and opened a small drawer that contained her hundreds of bows and ribbons inside

she looked for a bow that would match her outfit this morning. She was wearing her cure pink top and a white lace skirt, she wore her may-have shoes once again and white leg warmers

 She was wearing her cure pink top and a white lace skirt, she wore her may-have shoes once again and white leg warmers

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She decided to take the pink silky rib on and clipped it in her hair

Lolita wanted to have a nice appearance for her first day at school, although the girl never really much wear makeup. She only applied eyeliner and lipgloss all over her plump lips, letting her natural rosy, freckled cheeks be the color of her face

Lolita smiled at her reflection in the mirror

taking a deep breath, the girl grabbed her small digital camera and took a picture of herself in the mirror, a memory of her first day at the University of Eastview

" Lo! Are you awake? "

Then suddenly the girl jumped when she heard knocking on her door, Jane was calling her name outside and Lolita didn't hesitate to open the door and smiled at her friend. Jane looks at her foot up to her head with a smirk on her face

" looking beautiful Lo! Are you ready? " Jane asked and Lolita nodded her head.

She excused herself for a moment and grabbed her bag, putting one book inside alongside the camera, and left her dorm

"All alright, I have everything with me. Keys, laptop, notebook, pens... What else? " The girl asks with her soft voice as Jane chuckled at her

" got everything, " She says.

Lolita smiled and nodded her head, the two girls both walked out of their dormitory and made their way to their first class together, the two best friends were glad that they got the same classes in different subjects.

Jane was holding some of her books in her left arm, while the other was locked with Lolita's.

As they walked through the hallway, suddenly, the redhead girl couldn't help but not to notice that whoever they were walking past or seeing, they were looking at her...

She wondered if something was wrong with her appearance, was there dirt on her face? Was there a stain on her outfit? Worried thoughts began to fill her mind once again, and Jane noticed it

" you're suddenly tense " She acknowledged and made their way to the left, Lolita sighed loudly

" t-they're staring at me, Jane. Is there something wrong with me? " Lolita asked worriedly

and her best friend nearly let out a loud laugh when hearing her question.

" oh Lo, nothing wrong in you! They're staring at you because they've never seen a breathtaking angel before " She replied while looking over to her friend. Lolita on the other side, couldn't help but not to blush redly

" Really? " she asked. Jane hummed in response, Lolita giggled

" Well, you're beautiful in my eyes too! " she complimented as well and Jane chuckled at her. Lolita cared about what people felt, her empathy toward others was something she always put first, rather than remembering herself


The two girls sat together in the corner of the classroom, they were the few students who came in first, but after a few minutes other students came inside too, filling the vacant seats as Lolita swallowed the lump in her throat and decided to close the book she was reading, it's been few days since she started reading the novel, Lolita

She cleared her throat and glanced to her side to see Jane reading something in her book. But when Lolita's eyes trailed up, it was at the same time their professor walked inside the classroom

Her breath hitched in her throat as Lolita couldn't take her eyes off the man. He was glorious

Even though wrinkles show in his charming face, it has nothing to do with how Lolita finds her professor handsome.

He was tall, probably around 6'1 inches, he placed his things down at the desk causing the rest of the students to shift their focus to the professor. He stood and leaned back behind his desk, facing his students and crossing his arms at his chest

" Good morning, welcome to you're first English class. I'm you're Professor Greyson Standford, but you can just call me Professor Greyson " He begins.

His voice was smooth and husky, and the young girl instantly liked it

He continued giving his speech as his beautiful blue eyes each looked at his students' faces. Lolita couldn't stop staring at him, and even her feelings toward her professor were wrong, it was only a crush

But when Professor Greyson's gaze stopped and met hers. Lolita's heart skipped a beat as a crimson-red blush began creeping down her cheeks, they stared at each other without breaking eye contact.

Greyson didn't realize he stopped giving his speech when he caught the girl's innocent gaze towards him. He licked his lips and examined the girl in the corner, she was an angel, with the light coming from the outside through the window shines her pale skin

Her cheeks turned redder with each second that passed, he sensed that the girl also got silent when their eyes met.

Greyson didn't want to look away, but when he created his throat he broke his eye contact with her and grabbed the paper from his desk. Still feeling the girl's eyes not leaving his, he wanted to know her name

He wanted to know the girl's name

Greyson begins calling each of the students' names, his blue eyes flickering over to whoever raises their hands. He didn't care who they were, he only wanted to know her

As Lolita continues listening to his deep voice, the girl always notices that her professor's eyes glance at her every minute. And it was making her heart thump harder inside her chest

" Margarette, Jane "

" Present "

Her best friend says as Lolita smiles at her. There were a few seconds of silence from the professor, Lolita saw he was looking at something in the the paper for a few seconds before-

" Collins, Lolita? "


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