6. He is levitating

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Consider Afrin as the narrator

During our friends gathering, I accompanied Thomas despite his initial reluctance. Selva was engaging in conversation with us until Thomas joined.

Subsequently, Selva started staring at Thomas while we were conversing. I scolded Selva for his behavior, leading him to divert his gaze. When questioned about his actions, Selva remained silent.

After attempting to rouse him, Selva abruptly collapsed to the ground from his seated position, hitting his head severely.

During the incident, I attempted to rouse him by physically striking his chest repeatedly, but to no avail. At this point, my friends intervened to prevent further violence, prompting me to cease my actions.

Despite our efforts to move him, we were unable to lift him off the ground. He was not that stout still we can't lift him up. Eventually, with the assistance of Abhi Anna, I was able to lift him, but unexpectedly, he began levitating off the ground.

His lack of contact with the floor, closed eyes, and gripping of our necks created a tense and alarming situation. Our resistance was futile as he exerted control over us until Kiran, Adhiyan, Babu, and Thomas intervened and helped us transport him to the hospital.

The medical diagnosis revealed high blood pressure but assured us of his overall well-being. This entire sequence of events left me unsettled, especially considering the subsequent avoidance between Thomas and Selva.

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