theres a start to every ending

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I woke up with a pounding headache and no idea where I was.
I seemed to be in someone's dorm room.
Hopefully i'm still at UConn and not some random college.
I pulled the covers off of me and hopped out of the twin size bed.
The room had a couple UConn posters which made me feel better.
Shelves were filled with trophies and medals.
Where the fuck was I?
On the nightstand was a framed picture.
I picked it up and examined it.
Yup definitely at UConn still..
"Found what you were looking for?" A voice from behind me asked.
I snapped my neck back to look at whoever was there.
Paige Bueckers..
The star of UConn's women's basketball team.
And almost the whole internets obsession at the moment.
Her hair was messy and she was only in sweats and a sports bra.
"I'm sorry.." I said awkwardly while placing the picture down.
I looked down at myself and realized i'm the same outfit as the night before.
The night before..
I must've gotten so drunk I forgot what even happened.
But why was I here?
"Did we do anything.?" I asked the blonde girl.
This made her laugh.
"Why do you think you woke up in my bed?" She added.
I've always identified myself as Bi but I've never really done anything with a girl.
"Don't worry I don't remember much either." The girl added.
Well that's good I guess.
"I should get going."
Paige nodded to my statement and helped me grab my things.

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