forever sister❤️

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"Gabi, through!" I yell at the girl to make a pass through towards the net.
"Shot!" Coach Margaret yells at me.
I chose the bottom left corner, and I slide the ball right past the goalie.
"Good red! Blue on the line- suicides!" The woman yells to the losing team.
That ended our practice as most of us went to get out waters.
"I've never been in so much pain." Hannah blurts out.
"I know, practices this week have been way harder than normal." Mary adds.
Mary was right, but I know that coach has her reasons for these practices.

Back in the locker room, I change out of my practice jersey and put on clean sweats.
"That looks painful-" Kaylee says gesturing to my black and blue ankle that is now swollen.
"It's just a sprain." I say putting a sock over it.
"Becca you should really get that checked out!" She says.
"Kay don't worry." I add grabbing my belongings out of my locker as I walked away from the girl.
But deep down I knew that every time I look at my ankle—it's becoming worse.

Liv gave me a ride back from soccer today.
"Thanks for picking me up by the way."
Liv has been awfully quiet the past couple days and I don't know why.
"Where were you the other night?" The girl asks.
I know she's referring to when I went out with Jadon, but I act clueless.
"You left the apartment for like 2 hours, and never told us why." She adds.
I stare at Liv unable to come up with some shitty excuse as to where I was.
"Were you with Paige?" The dirty-blonde asks as she stares sternly at me.
"No!" I quickly reply.
"I was with some dude I met." I confess to her.
Liv gives me a confused look.
"Dude? I thought you went for girls now-"
I roll my eyes at her comment.
"Liv I don't know! But Paige ghosted me just like I knew she would so don't worry about that."
Liv returns a tight lipped smiled.

When I return home I look through my closet to find an outfit for tomorrow.
We are celebrating my 22 birthday.
Liv has been planning the night for months.
She wants us to go to a club and party.
And because I know it will forever hurt Liv if I don't follow her plans, I agreed.
But sometimes I hate partying.
It always ends badly.
"Black dress." Liv says pointing to the simple black dress I have hanging in my closet.
"I thought I had to go all out for my birthday?" I say mimicking what Liv had told me the week before.
"No, I would go all out on my birthday. You would be most comfortable in a simple black dress, while still looking amazing." The girl adds.
I grab the dress from the hanger and line it up with my body, while looking in my mirror.
"And plus, you and I both know that I won't hear the end if you wore something you weren't comfortable in." The girl says while smiling.
"What do you think?" I ask hesitantly.
Liv looks at me next to the dress.
"What do you think?" The girl repeats my words.
I stare a little harder at it.
The dress was new, but I've worn ones like it before.
Part of me wasn't sure why I was feeling so anxious.
It felt like I was stressing about what I would look like—for someone..
"I think it's perfect." I say while Liv gives me a smile.
"I also think it's perfect!" Liv adds while pulling me into a tight hug.
"I can't believe my girl is going to be 22." She whispers.
This causes me to squeeze her even tighter.
"Another year spent with my forever sister."
The girl breaks the hug to look at me.
I can see tears forming in her eyes.
"Let's make sure there's many more." She says with a grin.

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