Chapter 25.

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I have been moving boxes out of my apartment for the past few days. I am sending some of my belongings to Seattle, donating some things to charity, and disposing of some items at the dump. My apartment is almost empty now, and with the assistance of Happy, I was able to get rid of my bed and replace it with an air mattress until I moved.

I was becoming increasingly excited with every passing day because it meant I was getting closer to leaving Charming. Mark was equally excited to move on and was working to complete his contract at St. Thomas so that he could go back to Seattle when I leave.

Everything felt like it was going perfectly, and even though I wish I had done this three years ago, I was happy to finally leave this life behind. It was kind of bittersweet to look back on my life here. I've lived in Charming for over fourteen years, and in a lot of ways, this town raised me. But it was time to move on, and I wanted to see what life would look like for me beyond that 'Welcome to Charming' sign.

"Is this the last of it?" I turned my attention to Happy as he pouted like a toddler. I had made him my mule over the last couple of days and I knew he was ready to stop taking orders from me.

"Yes, now stop being a baby," I said, which earned me an eye roll. He was so dramatic for a guy named 'Happy.'

We were finally taking the last of my items to the dump today, and that included my couch. It was a three hundred and seventy-five-pound beauty that till this day I have no idea how I fit her inside of my apartment. Clearly, there was no getting this thing up to Seattle, and since she was a bit old and not in the best condition for donation, I decided to toss it.

"How are we going to get this thing through the door?" Mark asked as he made a face at my couch.

"I'll worry about that," Happy said with a grin. Mark was confused until he saw Happy grabbing his chain saw off my kitchen floor. Mark looked horrified, while I just thought about all the fluff and feathers I'd have to clean up when he was finished.

"Do I even want to know where he got that?" Mark whispered to me. I shook my head while I watched my psychotic friend look at my couch like it was a choice-cut steak. "I've given up on asking questions, helps me stay sane if I don't."

Mark looked at me for a moment and then looked back at Happy who was currently cutting my couch in half with a smile. I could see the slight fear flash in Mark's eyes before he decided that I was right and let Happy do his thing.

I laughed to myself while I looked around the apartment for anything I might have missed. In the corner was one last box with the word TRASH on it, and I quickly retrieved it so that I could go put it in the truck.

I walked past Mark as I ruffled through the box of memories, and poked out my bottom lip when I saw my wedding dress. It was my dream dress, one that I had saved for when Jax and I would have a real wedding with people, music, and cake. Unfortunately, the courthouse was all I got, but when I had a bit of money I saved up for this dress.

It was big, white, and puffy. Made me feel like a real princess in the dressing room, and I hoped for years that I could wear it one day. But after the whole thing with Jax and Tara, looking at the dress always made me feel sad, so I just boxed it up and never looked at it again.

Mark had seen the dress when I was cleaning out my closet, and after talking about it with him, I decided that the dress was no longer worth keeping. I had closed that chapter years ago so I didn't see the sense in keeping any memories from it.

I continued to dig through the box once more, looking back on the memories. But then as I continued to ruffle through the box, I noticed that my former ring was missing. It was a bit confusing considering that I was sure that I put it in there.

"Hey, what's up?" I heard Mark's voice behind me and immediately closed the box. I didn't want him to think I was holding on to anything so I quickly shoved it inside of the truck.

"Nothing, just thought I saw somethin'," Mark nodded his head at my response and then pulled me into his arms. I felt safe in them, and it didn't hurt that he was fun to look at.

"I can't wait to bring you back with me, and I'm so happy we left that ugly couch," he teased. I smiled wide as I hit his chest playfully, "My couch was not ugly!" I argued.

"Please it looked like they skinned Barney to make that thing," he retorted.

My mouth fell open as I took in his insult, but Mark just kissed my forehead as I pouted.

As we stood there I heard the sound of a bike that sounded all too familiar. I made a face as I braced for it to come closer, but it never did.

"What is he doing here?" Mark said with annoyance clear in his voice.

I groaned at the thought of Jax and Mark having another run-in and looked in the direction of where Jax parked his bike. He was sitting there across the street just looking. He made no attempts at coming closer, or hell, even waving to show signs of life.

"Maybe he's here for Hap," I said, but I sounded unsure. Jax's presence was making me slightly nervous because he just sat there menacingly. His shades were still on his face as he stared at me, and even though he was a bit far, he didn't look happy to see me.

I dragged Mark inside the building and went to go find Happy. Happy was still cutting through my couch, so I yelled to grab his attention.

"What?! I'm working here," Happy said, pulling his goggles over his head.

"Hap, Jax is outside. Did he need you?"

Happy's eyebrows came together in confusion, and then he walked to my window to look. He looked left and right but then shrugged his shoulders when he came back inside.

"Well, he's not anymore. Did he say something?"

I shook my head, "No, he just parked across the street."

"Hmm," Happy reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone. "Well, he didn't call me, so I guess everything's fine."

I nodded my head as I let Happy get back to work. Mark watched my movements and when we were in the hallway, he looked at me seriously. "Should I be worried about that?"

I shrugged my shoulders, completely confused with the last several minutes. "I don't think so. I mean, he didn't say anything."

"Yeah, but I saw that he made you uncomfortable. I don't trust him, Toni."

"I don't know, maybe it's club-related. I think it's best if we stay out of it. I mean, Happy is not obligated to tell me anything, maybe they're just checking in with each other."

Mark gave me a look, "Toni," he began but I waved him off.

"Honey, it's fine, I think that everything is just tense right now. I'm leaving in a few days, so I'm just going to keep my distance."

Mark looked unsure, "Will you promise to tell me if he tries anything."

I smiled at Mark's protectiveness, "Yes, I promise. Trust me, Jax doesn't want me that way, he made that crystal clear years ago. The only man I want right now is you, now stop worrying and make sure that we don't miss our flight."

"Oh, I have to make sure?" Mark said in a flirtatious manner.

"Yes, because I am an airport princess, and I will be for the rest of my life."

Mark smiled wide, "I guess I can live with that."

He kissed my lips again as we stood in the hallway, and we spent the last hour flirting and kissing while Happy massacred my couch in my apartment. 

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