Chapter 28.

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After having brunch with Clara, I decided to go for a run. Although fitness wasn't my forte, I found running to be an excellent way to clear my head. I was still feeling embarrassed from being told off by Jax, and I remained uncertain about what to do regarding Mark.

Also, I wanted to be left alone. It seemed like everyone had an opinion on the situation, and although I knew that everyone was coming from a good place, it didn't make my situation any easier.

I liked Mark, and although it might have been too early to admit it, I was falling in love with him. He was the first person I had a successful relationship with after my marriage, and being with him reignited something inside me that I thought was lost forever. Until now, I trusted and believed everything he said, so it was painful for me to realize that I was beginning to question him.

I wanted to believe him more than anything, hell, I thought it was Jax before I even got to his apartment! But after getting absolutely obliterated by my ex-husband today, I realized that I have given Jax way too much credit over my life. I guess I've seen him as the villain for so long that I automatically assumed that he'd be my villain forever.

But in reality, Jax has already moved forward with his life. Even though I wished for him to feel the same pain he caused me, he is receiving all the things he once promised me. It appears that Karma has failed to properly avenge me. Because while I'm jogging alone wondering if my boyfriend has been faithful, Jax is probably at home with his wife and kids enjoying family time.

I slowed down my pace and removed my earbuds from my ears. I thought that listening to loud music would prevent me from slipping into a negative headspace, but even when I was alone, I couldn't help feeling sorry for myself. I despised feeling this way and had put in a lot of effort during therapy to avoid putting myself in such situations. However, despite years of positive affirmations, I still found myself struggling to control these feelings.

Nevertheless, I continued to walk because whether it was physically or metaphorically I needed to make it out of the woods. Mark or no Mark, I still had a lot to give and a lot left to do.

My phone buzzed in the waistband of my leggings as if he had heard my thoughts. I was certain it was him given the numerous attempts he had made to contact me over the last few hours. He called me at the beginning of each new hour, hoping that I'd finally have something to say to him. Although I didn't have any answers, I answered the call anyway, just to put an end to the constant stream of calls.

"Yes, Mark?"

"Oh! Toni?"

"Were you expecting someone else?" my question seemed harsh, and I had to remind myself to ease up.

"No, I've just been calling you all morning, I didn't think you'd answer." He sounded sad when he said it, and I took a deep breath to keep from getting emotional.

"Well, you've reached me."

"Ton," I heard him sigh, "I don't know what I could say to make you believe me. I would never cheat on you, and I know this all looks bad, but I've never even been alone with that woman. I have no idea where this is all coming from."

"Well, it has to be coming from somewhere Mark! She destroyed your car!"

"I know! And believe me babe, I will get to the bottom of this, but I want us to be okay first. I want to do whatever it takes to win your trust. If you want to check my phone, then check my phone. You want to go down to that bar together and confront her, then we'll do that. But the only thing I can't do is lose you, Toni. Not like this."

I stopped walking as I heard him pleading over the phone. He sounded sincere, and every bone in my body was telling me to believe him. However, I then remembered how easily I was fooled the first time, and I couldn't help but wonder if everyone was just really good at lying, or if I was easily manipulated.

"I want to speak to her," I said finally deciding. It sounded like the best course of action to resolve this issue. I know that this wasn't what Mark wanted to hear, but it was the choice I felt most comfortable with.

"Okay, you got it. I get off in a few hours, so I'll pick you up and we can go down together."

"Okay," I felt a sudden feeling of relief when he agreed, because had he not then there would have been nothing stopping me from assuming his guilt.

"Alright, well, I have to go talk to a patient, but I'll see you tonight okay?"

"Alright, see ya," I hung up the phone and slipped it back into the band of my leggings. I felt slightly better as I trudged along the trail, and I felt good about my decision to meet up with the woman.

However, creeping up slowly behind me I heard the sound of a bike. Which was extremely odd considering that I was on a walking trail. Most people with bikes, 4-wheelers, or the like usually never came here to ride. Nevertheless, I moved out of the way to avoid being hit.

As the sound got closer, I could see a woman riding a red dirt bike at high speed up the trail. She had a helmet on, so I didn't have a clear view of her face as she came at me. I didn't expect her to hit me, so I moved out of her way. But as she got closer, it seemed like she was trying to follow me.

This interaction scared me so much that I didn't realize I was being followed until I was all the way around the tree line. With my heart pounding, I tried to draw her away from me so I could go back to the car and call 911. But whoever she was, she seemed determined to run me over with her bike.

The trail was filled with rocks, and I was running for my life while being chased by a motor, but she was catching up quickly.

I decided to jump when I thought it was safe enough to do so. However, where I expected to land on dirt and soil, I was met with harsh rocks that I didn't realize were there. I lost my balance and began to roll down the hill until my leg crashed into a tree down below.

The sound of the snap reached my ears before the excruciating pain of my bone dislocating hit me. I made an effort to suppress my scream, ensuring that my attacker wouldn't be able to pinpoint my location. Despite the sight of my bone making me feel nauseous, I managed to hold back the urge to vomit.

With my heart racing, I pushed myself to the limit, desperately trying to reach safety. I lay there, feeling vulnerable and helpless, like an injured animal in the wilderness. The last thing I wanted was for the biker to come down the hill and discover me in this state.

As soon as I heard her footsteps approaching from the hill, I quickly placed my hand over my mouth. I immediately flattened myself to the ground in an attempt to stay hidden. Fortunately for me, she didn't come any closer, but then I heard her cursing under her breath. It was clear she was in a state of panic upon seeing me lying there motionless on the ground. However, instead of coming to check on me, she turned away and ran off.

I remained still until I heard the sound of her bike going the other way, and then I reached into my waistband for my phone. It surprisingly survived my fall and I hurriedly called 911. I was shaking as I tried to explain what happened and where I was, and I felt a trickle of blood running down my face. Most likely from when I hit my head up by the rocks.

The entire situation had shaken me to my core. As I lay there waiting for help, I couldn't help but wonder who I had angered to cause something of this magnitude.

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