Chapter 18 Umbridge's POV

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The answer to the last question shall remain with me for now.

>:D haha.

But I seriously love you guys.

And as an answer to this chapter, I always imagined Umbridge working for the evil side. So I felt I needed to include the fandom and readers of Harry Potter in general's hatred of the toad. So here ya go.

Umbridge's POV

I started down the hallway towards the Room of Requirement. There was someone I needed to see.

I passed many students. Some were just downright awful creatures, I tell you. But others like that Malfoy boy, I say were perfect little angels!

(A/N I literally just gagged as I wrote that)

I separated all the scenes I felt inclined to, and hurried down the hall.

I walked past it three times saying, "I wish to see my master," each pass. Finally the door appeared. I entered the room, keeping and eye out for prying eyes.

Once I entered the room, I immediately bowed.

"My Lord. Wonderful to see you again."

(A/N the temptation to end is so strong)

"Yes, Dolores. Quite so. Any news of the Potter boy?"

I looked up at his face. "He is still attempting to prove existence, My Lord. More and more people are starting to believe him. Soon all that'll be left is the ministry."

His face scrunched in disgust at the news. "Well we will have to change that. Existence will be proven when it is wished. And the prophecy is still needed. We should not continue until it arrives."

"As you wish. But I feel I should tell you that with that Percy Jackson's class, the student shall soon be able and ready to fight better than before. As much as I hate admitting it, he is a swell teacher."

The man grimaced. "If we could only call him wizard. He would make an excellent addition to our order. But alas, he is not."

I but my lip and dares ask again, "An I allowed to know why we cannot call him wizard, My Lord?"

He shook his head. But he said, "I cannot tell yet, but know this---if he joins the fight, we will have a hard time winning. He represents a powerful force. If only he was with us!"

The man had whisper-screamed the last bit, so I took it to mean that what he was was defiantly powerful---a force to be reckoned with.

Only one thing left to do here.

"And what shall we do about him My Lord?"

Lord Voldemort looked at me and said, "What else, but strike back?"

Aaaaaannnnnnddddd DONE!

Another chapter completed for y'all.

I can only hope it was a cliffy.

But I truly love you all for reading, voting, commenting, and following my stories and me. It's great to know.

Story is coming to a close soon. Get ready.

I plan to make another sometime after this ends. Don't know when.

Stay tuned I guess.


What's your favorite book series?

Love y'all


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