Chapter 20 3rd person

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So I got good responses for the last 3rd POV chapter, so I'll do it again.

Let's start.

Percy was training.

Umbridge was practicing.

Harry was dreaming of a door.

Together, they spell PUH. But that's not the point.

The point is what they're all doing.

Percy is training for the thing he can sense coming. Voldemort's existence proven.

Umbridge is practicing for the all to obvious threat that Percy Jackson shows. She needs information on him and what he is before she can do anything for he master.

Harry's dream revolves around an unsolved mystery. The mystery that is a door. An unknown door haunting his dreams for longer than he can remember. But it seems familiar in sorts.

Two are walking towards a trap.

One has set it up.

Let's focus on each one personally shall we?

Percy's activity:


Slice. Slash. Stab. Spin. Stab. Chop. Etc.

Repeated constantly, times however many he can. He doesn't stop no matter the aching in his limbs. He knows something's coming. He can't be unprepared.

He's nervous. Nervous that he won't be able to defeat it. Magic was never his specialty. Swordplay was always his best fighting ability.

And it was quiet. He couldn't find anyone. Annabeth, Harry, teachers, ghosts. No one. It's like the school was vacated. Of course it could be the fact that he was in a room far away from any classrooms. And that he didn't look for them.

But maybe he should've put down the weapon, and gone searching.

Umbridge's activity:


Spells. Potions. Incantations. Etc.

The one thing Umbridge didn't want, was for Percy to succeed. She worked for the ministry's enemy, but the ministry was to stupid to know. She chuckled. Those idiotic wizards and witches should've believed Potter.

She was worried. Worried that Percy may succeed and finish her side all off. Or that Potter won't fall for the Dark Lord's tricks. They were both stubborn. And that worried her.

And she was confused. Her body felt like hers, but coldness often overwhelmed her. An indescribable coldness, just a feeling really, not much else. But she constantly forgot something she did. Maybe her master was influencing her.

Oh how wrong she was.

Harry's activity:

Dreaming of a door.

Walking. Unable to continue. Come on. Closer. Etc.

No matter the trying, he couldn't enter. It frustrates Harry to no end. He was annoyed with the dream, but constantly wished for it to come back.

He didn't know what might happen if he saw the inside. He didn't know he would flee to the ministry to "help". No. Harry knew none of it.

And no one noticed Harry's internal struggle with the dream. Ron and Hermione knew he was dreaming, but little of the effect it had. Little of the turmoil inside of Harry's head. And maybe, just maybe, Harry should've listened to Snape about stopping the dreams.

Because if he had listened, they wouldn't all be where they are today.

Percy Jackson-The New Hogwarts TeacherΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα