Chapter 21 3rd POV

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OMG!!! I was searching for hogwarts teacher stuff and my story came up first!!! Eek! Thank you guys so much for that!!!

Really. Thank you.


I was camping the last two weeks so I couldn't.

Onto the story!

Percy was confused.

He had just heard a noise outside and came to investigate it.

He saw nothing.

And that confused him.

Glancing around Percy saw no one watching, so he did the sensible thing: uncapped his pen.

It was still a pen.

For a second he was confused again, but then he noticed it was the wrong pen.

He tried another.


How many pens are inside of Hogwarts?!

After about going through the twenty pens in his pocket, Percy finally found Anaklusmos. Giving a sigh of relief he went into the hall.

Shouldn't have done that.

Umbridge was hearing things.

Just small things but still noises.

She tried to investigate.

She saw nothing.

That happened a lot nowadays for her. All these weird things that occurred. She often had no choice.

Like working for Voldemort.

That wasn't her choice.

All she can recognize is a cold feeling taking control of her.

Then no more Umbridge control. Only golden eyes and bad feelings.

She was getting better at sensing when the takeover was coming. She would sense a small tingle, then lose control in a minute.

But the control felt weird. She was trained to fend off the imperious curse.

This definitely wasn't that.

She entered the hall.

Only to be pointed at with a sword.

Harry was still sleeping.

Maybe PUH is still around.

He made that sound in his sleep.

Snore. PUH. Snore. PUH. Snore. PUH!

You get it.

Not much was happening with him.

So he's quite irrelevant at the moment.

Let's not even bother talking about him shall we?

Oh wait:

He just saw Sirius.


I siriusly have no idea why I'm so obsessed with PUH right now. It's bad I know.

So anyways read the TOP AUTHORS NOTE.

Thank you.


Why is Umbridge acting like that?

Thanks for reading.




If you dare.

Love y'all


Percy Jackson-The New Hogwarts TeacherWhere stories live. Discover now