Chapter 24: 3rd person

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Am I supposed to say something here?


Y'all. I am so excited yet sad right now. The end of this story will be soon. I don't know how soon, but soon.

Prepare yourselves.

Harry didn't like to be messed with.

You'd think after sneaking into an office to get information, you might actually get what you want.


Apparently the world doesn't work like that.

All Harry gets is his fears confirmed. By a house elf whom hates him. Kreacher told Harry that Sirius had left the house and soon after he was pulled out of the fireplace.

By a pink toad.

Umbridge wasn't a happy camper. Again.

After finding that she had been duped again, she ran to her office with some trustworthy students in her grip. They grabbed all the suspects and entered her office to find Harry Potter in her fireplace.

How dare he stuck his head in her fireplace as if it won't burn him?!

And without her permission?!

She tore him out of it and he seemed shocked that she found him.

Really, she isn't that dumb.


Hermione had told Harry it was a stupid idea and now they all had to pay for it.

She wanted to curse him out but settled for a glare. He didn't see it though because Umbridge threw him down in a chair and started threatening him.

With the Cruciatus curse.

Malfoy was ecstatic.

Harry Potter, teacher's pet #1 besides Hermione Granger, was going to be tortured by the ministry official.

He knew he liked her for some reason.

And now he knows why.


Yeah I get it. This chapter sucked. I was rushed. Not all of them will be this bad I hope.


Btw I need info: Should I publish and start a Chaos Story after this is done, or should I do another Harry Potter Percy Jackson crossover instead.

I already started the Chaos story but I can't work on all of those at once.

What should I do?

Love y'all


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