Chapter 7: Dinner with the Salvatores

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Madison stepped down the stairs slowly to meet Robert who was standing in the large hall with his back to her. The clicking of her heels made him turn around to see her and the air tense when their eyes met. Madison stunned by how handsome he looked in his French suit that hugged his body. Admittedly, she was attracted to him, it was hard not to when he looked very hot and sexy.

“Come on, let's go and get this over with” He took his eyes off her and said with a grunt.

They both walked to a red Ferrari car outside and Robert got into the driver's seat while Madison got into the back seat. They were soon on the road and the air between them remained tense, Robert did not say a word to her, instead he took a cigarette and lit it. The smoke made Madison cough and uncomfortable but Robert acted like she was there.

She had to roll down the window and take in fresh air before she could recover. She didn't like that he smoked but she kept her opinion to herself and cleared her throat.
“Thank you for the dresses and accessories, I loved them” she finally spoke up, trying to lighten up the mood.

Robert grunted in reply, barely acknowledging her. Madison was confused as to why he was so unresponsive and cold. Was his strange behavior last time more than just a cranky outburst?

“Any tips I might need at the dinner with your family?” she joked with a chuckle, trying again to lighten up the mood.

“Can you please do me a favor?” Robert asked back.

“Sure, what?” she replied immediately.

“It's hard to concentrate on the road with your whiny voice in my ear so please shut up. Our marriage is nothing more than transactional, no need for unnecessary conversations” he shunned her before dragging one last smoke from his cigarette and throwing it out the window.

Madison was speechless, was this the real rebellious Salvatore that Dana spoke about? Why did he deceive her on their wedding day with such nice attitude?
Her eyes began to sting with tears and she had to blink repeatedly to push it back. She looked out the window at the fast passing buildings, cars, people and trees, and she felt stupid to hope that a contract marriage could be the same as a normal marriage born from love. She could already see the tough time that awaited her as Robert's wife.

The rest of the car ride was quiet and unnerving, thirty minutes later they stopped in front of a grand restaurant on a ship. They got down and a waiter welcomed them amicably.

“Young Mr. Salvatore, right this way” he said with a smile. The Salvatore's name was well known and respected at every establishment.

They followed the waiter till they arrived at a private room that screamed extravagant. He opened the door and the parents of Robert was revealed. George and Helen Salvatore..

“Finally the newly weds are here” George's baritone voice said happily. Madison forced a wide smile on her face, she didn't want his parents to notice the cold atmosphere between them.

George and Helen stood up and hugged her and Robert and they all exchanged pleasantries. Madison noticed that Robert refused Helen's hug and only shook his father's hands, she guessed that things weren't alright between the family. She felt pity for the family to have to deal with such a rebellious son.

“Can we eat now? I'm starving” Robert said in a bored tone.

“Robert, you've been smoking, haven't you?” George asked with a frown.

Robert rolled his eyes and passed his father to seat down on the table of four that was filled with different types of food, “Are we having this dinner or what?” he asked and immediately started to dish food for himself.

The rest three awkwardly took their seats and started dishing for themselves as well. Madison couldn't help but feel embarrassed to see her husband act so rudely to his parents.

“So, how does it feel being married, Madison?” Helen spoke up with a chuckle as they started eating, probably trying the lighten the mood.

Madison forced a chuckle back and said, “It feels surreal, I'm still trying to accept that I am actually a married woman now” she was truly being honest with her answer.

“I can relate to that, you will get the hang of it soon. When I married George here, I had woken up the next morning and screamed when I saw him beside me on the bed” Helen said and everyone laughed lightly except Robert.

The rest conversations were just light on the surface chatter while they ate to which Robert refused to participate in. Madison felt more comfortable with Robert's parents than she expected, unlike her husband's.
Soon they were almost done eating when Robert spoke up for the first time.

“So Dad, I did what you asked by getting married so when is the company going to be handed over to me?” he asked.

Everywhere went quiet and all eyes turned Robert. Madison was more shocked at his ridiculous question, he was worse than she thought.

“The company would be handed over to you when you stop smoking and know when is the right time to raise certain conversations” George retorted with a growl.

Robert slammed the table hard and stood up, causing Madison to flinch. “Old man, you told me to marry her and I did, now you want to back down on your words? Don't stoop so low…” His tone was harsh and disrespectful.

“Robert!!!” Helen called out angrily.

“Helen, this is between my father and I, don't interfere” Robert warned.

“ENOUGH! I won't let you disrespect my wife right in front of me. I thought marriage would push some sense into you and that you would finally stop this your disrespectful and irresponsible behavior of yours but I was wrong. Very wrong. The company would be far out of your reach if you don't change” George thundered in anger.

Robert fumed and his hands locked into fists as he glared at his father, then he cussed and stormed out of the room, slamming the door with so much force that it made Madison flinch again.

Madison was confused, should she follow him or not? The tensed air made her extremely uncomfortable.

“Go on, dear” Helen said in a quiet voice.

Madison nodded awkwardly and said goodbye before running after her husband. She reached outside but she was seconds too late as Robert had already turned on the car and was speeding out of the car park.

“He actually left me here” Madison muttered to herself with a sad face.

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