Chapter 13: Cheating husband

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There was a knock on the door and Robert got up to attend to it, he was at his private house on the other side of town. It was where he has been staying for the past 3 weeks. He didn't want to return home to Madison, his supposed wife. He was still angry that his father had refused to hand over the business to him even when he obeyed his wishes by marrying Madison. He had refused to return home in the hopes that his stubbornness would force his father to hand over to him.

To him, he wasn't rebellious. His father deserved to be treated that way because of how he abandoned his mother after getting her pregnant. His mother was his secretary and they both had an affair to which his father abandoned her to take care of her baby (Robert) alone. They both struggled to survive in the unforgiving world even when Robert's father was a well known billionaire. For thirteen long years, George never came to look for them at all which made Robert gather resentment towards him.

And then, Robert's mother fell terribly sick, she made Robert promise on her death bed to stay at his father's house so he can take care of him now that she was too weak too. After her death, Robert did as he was told and went to his father's house to live. It was then that he became rebellious because as far as he was concerned George was responsible for his mother's death because he abandoned them. So he purposefully provoked him by being disrespectful, breaking rules, drinking and even getting arrested multiple times. He wanted his father to feel the pain him and his mother felt for 13 years. Even as he was older, he still hated his father and only wanted to take over the company hence the contract marriage with Madison.

“Hey handsome” A sultry voice said from across the door. It was Ivory Rogers, she was Robert's fling. They have been friends with benefits even before he married Madison. He would call her up once in a while to satisfy his urges and now was one of those times.

Robert didn't reply and instead just left the door open for her to come in then he went back to sit on the couch. She didn't take offense to it and instead grinned happily before stepping into the house and shutting the door. She was wearing a semi-naked dress that showed her curves, one that no man could easily resist.

She came to stand behind Robert's back and used her well manicured hands to massage Robert's shoulders. “What's making my man so anxious?” she asked.

“Ivory, I am not your man remember? We agreed to no strings attached” Robert reminded her.

“I know.. I know, I was just teasing” Ivory chuckled and continued massaging him lightly. Unknown to him, Ivory was not on board with the no strings attached rule. She was in love with him and very obsessed and wanted him to take her as his woman. But no matter how she tried to seduce him into falling for him, she kept failing. She was determined to have him all to herself no matter what.

“Don't worry, just relax and I'll take care of you” she said in a sultry voice before walking to his front and taking off his shoes, wristwatch and suit sleeve. That was when she noticed the ring on his finger.

“That's a nice looking ring, where did you get it?” she asked, trying to get information from him.

Robert pulled out the ring and threw it on table casually without even looking, “It's just a stupid wedding ring, nevermind it”

Ivory tried to remain composed but she was boiling inside, she had heard of the marriage on the internet but she refused to believe it but now that Robert confirmed it then it was really true. She wanted to be the one Robert married, not another woman outside. But why would he call her if he was married?

“I see your wife doesn't satisfy you like I do right?” she said while she unbuckled his belt.

Robert waved her off uninterestedly, “It's just for business, once I get the company, I'll divorce her” he said.

Ivory beamed with smiles, she was overthinking it after all, Robert would always be hers. Even in marriage, he still called for her. She didn't waste time to go down to business, Robert's reply pleased her and so she wanted to please him.

She took his junior into her mouth and began working on it with saliva. Robert grunted, indicating she was doing a good job so she continued.

Soon enough Robert got up and laid her down on the couch, he then proceeded to take off her clothes, his eyes filled with lust. He cupped her bosoms and put them in his mouth to which she moaned his name to his delight.

His mind couldn't help to drift to Madison, he wondered how she would react if he did this to her. He shook his head to shake off the thought, why was he thinking about her now?

He returned his focus to Ivory and began to make love to her. But despite how much he tried, his mind kept bringing Madison to his thoughts. Why couldn't he stop thinking about her? It was probably the alcohol he took earlier

He thought of his father's words and powered his anger into the sex, he had called Ivory to free the pent up frustration and that's what he planned to do. The air was musky with sex and sweat and the two continued to have their fun.

Meanwhile Madison was back at her matrimonial home, restless and unable to sleep. Something kept nudging at her and pulling sleep out of her eyes but she couldn't tell what it was…

She thought about ending her marriage again with Robert and decided to see her father about it the following day.


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