Chapter 19: Mandy is sick again

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“Mandy? Mandy? … Madison, ma'am… I think something is wrong with your daughter” Robert's worried and frantic voice was all Madison and Joyce needed to come rushing to the living room.

There Mandy was, gasping for breath and jerking violently. All the color drained from Madison and her mother's face and what replaced it was pure horror.

“What happened?” Madison asked in panic.

“I don't know, we were chatting happily and she was eating her chocolates when she suddenly did this” Robert tried to explain.

“We need to get her to the hospital quickly, oh my poor daughter” Joyce was already in tears as she spoke.

“My car is right outside, let's go” Robert said as he carried her Mandy in bridal style and the other two followed after him in a hurry.

Madison and Joyce entered the back seat with a jerking Mandy while Robert entered the driver's seat and drove out in lightning speed.

By the time they arrived at the hospital, Mandy had already fallen unconscious and was quickly rushed to the emergency unit. Robert, Madison and Joyce were seated in the waiting hall right outside the unit. Joyce wouldn't stop crying and Madison sat beside her with a sad face while petting her to calm down.

Robert stood a little far away from them, his face as blank as a board, stoic rather. No one could tell if he was happy, sad or angry but only he could decipher his emotions. He was a wreck inside, this situation reminded him of his sick mother many years old.

13 years old him stood outside the unit door waiting for news about his mother. He was angry at everything and everyone, he was angry at his mother who despite being so sick kept working her numerous jobs to take care of him and keep him in school. He was angry at his father, who abandoned them to suffer while he continued to bathe in his riches. He was angry at the doctors who refused to help his mother not until the hospital bills were paid and he was angry at himself. He couldn't earn any money for his mother but kept being a burden to her. Everything she did was for him and it made him angry, she barely took care of herself.

He has had many bad experiences with hospitals because it was there he saw his mother speak her last word. She had left the building as a corpse, leaving him in the hands of a stranger called his father even when she promised not to leave him.

Over the years, Robert used a rebellious character to hide himself from people and to hide how broken he was. He shielded his heart from any emotions and tried to show everyone that he was tough when in fact, he was anything but tough.

He was doing well, though. Not until Mandy brought all those cage emotions back.

He panicked and froze for a second when he saw her, he had a flashback to when his mum had fallen unconscious for the first time. He was eight years old at the time and that was the scariest time of his life.

He looked at Madison and Joyce who looked like all the life in them had been drained out. He could understand how they felt because it was how he felt at a certain time too.

Like a savior, the doctor came out of the emergency unit. Madison and Joyce rushed to him with their heart on their hands while Robert walked a little closer.

“Doctor, please what is wrong with my daughter? You told us that after the surgery she will be fine and she hasn't been under stress, so what is going on?” Joyce bombarded the doctor with wide eyes and a tearful voice.

“Madam, please calm down, your daughter is fine. She just had a convulsion, I have given her some injections to reduce that and she's now resting. She will be discharged tomorrow” Madison and Joyce breath out in relief that the problem wasn't too serious, their heavy hearts eased a little.

“Have the hospital bills been paid?” The doctor asked.

“The hospital bills… shit” Madison muttered under her breath. They had been so worried about Mandy that they completely forgot about it. Where would they get the money to settle the bills? They didn't even think of it.

“The bills have already been cleared, doctor,” Robert suddenly said from behind them.

The doctor nodded and said in surprise, “Aren't you the famous billionaire of The Salvatore holdings?”

“Yes, this is my wife, Madison and my mother in law, Joyce. My sister in law is the one in the emergency unit. So they are basically my family, it would mean so much to me if they are treated well here, otherwise…” Robert trailed off, his voice not wavering in the slightest.

“That is no problem Mr. Salvatore, you don't have to worry at all, they will be treated with the best. In fact, I was about to tell the nurses to move the girl to the VIP ward to rest” The doctor said. Madison and Joyce's mouth dropped open in shock, VIP ward? Money commands respect indeed.

“Good” Robert gave a stiff nod. He was no fool, he knew the doctor was just trying to lick ass but he didn't mind it since Mandy got to benefit from it. The doctor left soon after and Madison and her mother turned to Robert with grateful eyes.

“Thank you so much, Robert. I… ” Joyce was about to say but Robert cut her off.

“Please don't thank me ma'am. I fully understand what it means to be in this situation, just take it as a small gesture from your son” Robert said.

Madison's heart warmed up from what he said and she looked at him with dreamy eyes, this was a side of him she had never seen before and she was even more attracted.

Joyce bumped Madison a little to bring her back to her senses and she said with a smile, “Madison, it's late already and you both have work tomorrow, you should get going”

“No, mum. What about Mandy? I should stay here with you till she's discharged” Mandy refused.

“Come on, didn't you hear the doctor? It's just convulsion and she's resting. Besides, my son in law just gave us a VIP ward so I'll be absolutely fine. You should go” Joyce insisted.

Madison exchanged glances with her mum and Robert whose face was expressionless, “Are you sure?” she asked.

“Yes, Goooo” Joyce pushed her daughter lightly in Robert's direction.

As Madison and Robert said their goodbyes and left, a sigh escaped Joyce's lips. She genuinely wished that Robert's intention was true because it was clear that Madison was deeply in love with him.

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