Chapter 1: A Disaster.

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Warning: Blood!

Dani was just coming back from work. She drove her car back home, and went inside to see her sister watching TV.

Dani: Hey sis!

Sarah: Oh, Dani, Your back from work.

Dani: Yeah, It's has been a long day haha..

She saw her sister watching something.

Dani: What are you watching?

Sarah: Oh, just the news. Nothing special..

A loud noise came from the Tv, scaring the two girls.
"Warning. Warning. There's a new virus spreading around. Scientists are trying to figure out what it is and how. We recommend you stay in your homes. If you see anyone, ANYTHING with these symptoms, run immediately or bring them to the hospital as they may have the virus.

Vomiting a black substance.
Twisting limbs of any sort.
Feeling sickly, turning pale.
And "glitching".

I repeat.."

As the speaker went on, Dani turned the TV off in shock before grabbing her phone to call someone.

Sarah: What are you doing?

Dani: I'm calling Mrs Tweedy and telling her about this.

Sarah: Are you sure? She must be busy. I doubt she's going to answer.

Meanwhile with Mrs Tweedy..

The phone rung. She sighed and picked it up.

Mrs Tweedy: Yes?

Dani: Hey Melisha...

Mrs Tweedy: It's Mrs Tweedy to you.

Dani: Right. My bad. Uh..have you seen the news?

Mrs Tweedy: No? I'm not wasting my time to see the-

Dani: Please just trust me? Watch the news and call back.

Mrs Tweedy's side of the phone call went silent for a minute. After that she came back.

Mrs Tweedy: I gotta leave.

Dani: How so?

Mrs Tweedy: Dr. Fry. He's been coughing the same weird liquid that was on the news-

Mrs Tweedy heard a small thud from behind her. She turned to see Dr. Fry on the floor.

Dani: Hello? Mrs Tweedy? Are you okay?

Mrs Tweedy: You know what? Just..just meet me at the hospital.

Mrs Tweedy hung up the phone, making Dani confused and worried about her. Grabbing her keys, she ran out to the car.

Dani: Come on Sarah!

Sarah: Where are we going?

Dani: To the hospital, Mrs Tweedy told us to meet us there.

Sarah: Why? did something happen?

Dani: I don't know! She just told us to meet us there! Now come on!

Sarah: Alright, alright!

Both of the sisters got to the hospital in a mere couple of minutes, and as they walked inside the hospital, chaos struck.

Dani: What is going on?

Nurse 1: We don't know that quite yet, that's all what we been trying figure out, your friend is at room 207.

Dani: Thanks you ma'am.

Dani and Sarah went down the hall to find the room. After looking inside, they saw Mrs Tweedy sitting on a chair.

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