Chapter 3-We are not the only ones

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Warning: Blood and (possibly) Swearing!

Everyone was asleep, except for Dani who was looking outside, She was thinking about the whole..virus thing, and looking out for infecteds. All of a sudden something grabbed her shoulder. She turned suddenly in fright, seeing Fluttershy and Ted.

Dani: Oh!..Oh my goodness. You scared me half to death!

Fluttershy: Sorry, my bad.

Dani: Let me guess, you guys can't sleep either?

Thimblenose Ted: No, no matter how many times I try, I just can't.

Fluttershy: Me too....I just don't want anything happening to anyone...

Thimblenose Ted: Especially.. Pinkie-

Fluttershy stepped on his foot.

Dani: Huh?

Fluttershy: Nothing and-

Thimblenose Ted: She has a crush on the pink pony.

Fluttershy stepped on Ted's foot again.

Thimblenose Ted: Ow! What?

Dani: You like Pinkie Pie???

Fluttershy looked away for a moment..nodding.

Dani: Oh...Okay.

Thimblenose Ted: See, I told you she wouldn't get mad!

Fluttershy Gave Ted an angry frown.

Thimblenose Ted: Andddd...I'm going to shut up and try to get some sleep. Again.

Ted left while Fluttershy sat next to Dani.

Dani: Okay...So you like her.

Fluttershy: Yeah...I want to tell her but...

Dani: But what?

Fluttershy: She and Rainbow have been getting along a lot more often, DON'T GET ME WRONG, I like the two of them hanging out and she might like her back, and I just can't take the chance of ruining our friendship!

Dani looked Fluttershy and wanted to say something..

Dani: Can I tell you a secret?

Fluttershy: Hm..sure.

Dani: But you have to keep it a secret, Okay? I'll keep your secret a..well, secret too.

Fluttershy agreed, then Dani showed her a hidden pin that was in her book bag, having the color pattern of Orange, Pink and White, Fluttershy's eyes widen.

Fluttershy: You're a lesbian?

Dani: Yep.

Fluttershy: That's..nice!

Dani: Thanks...I never really told anyone about this, there was this girl back when I was in 9th grade, that I had a crush on. That's how I found out.

Fluttershy: Oh...Got it.

Dani: I wanted to tell her how I felt...but she had to move away.

Fluttershy: She liked you back...Right?

Dani: I never really found out if she did.

Fluttershy: What's her name?

Dani: James.

Fluttershy: That's a pretty name.

As Dani and Fluttershy smiled at each other, They heard a knock on the door.

?: Hey! Let's us in, We got a injuried Person!

Dani saw Someone at the door. She went to the bedroom where everyone was sleeping. She shouted, waking some of them up.

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