Chapter 10: Toads Last Stand.

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Warning: Blood and Swearing.

It was nighttime and everyone was asleep...almost everyone. Henry already had woke up, and slowly walked out of the room. TJ who had heard footsteps woke up and noticed this, ending up getting up slowly and left the room, Henry opened the door, TJ followed him. He ended up behind him and tapped on his shoulder.

TJ: Henry! What the heck are you doing out here?

Henry: Looking for survivors?

TJ: In the middle of the night? You could get harmed, even worse..killed!

Henry: Someone has to look for them. You should go with me!

TJ: I'm not too sure it's a good idea to do that. We aren't allowed to be outside in the middle of the night.

Henry: We need to see if there are more survivors,

TJ: ..Fine. But first, we need to grab weapons.

Henry: I got it.

Henry threw a Bat TJ to which he caught it.

TJ: Alright, lets go before someone see us.

TJ and Henry ran out of the lab as the sun started to rise. In the city, the two boys were looking for more survivors.

Henry: Do you think we need supplies for the road?

TJ: Yeah, But we need a cart.

Henry saw a cart as they were walking past a grocery store.

Henry: Found one!

TJ: Perfect!

Henry: Great!

TJ: Do you think the others will find out about this?

Henry: Well, I'm pretty sure they won't notice.

At the Lab.

Dani: WHERE ARE TJ AND HENRY? They were here last night and now they are gone!

Thimblenose Ted: Where the hell are they?

?: You think they went outside?

Dani: No. They couldn't have-

Everyone saw the door open and realized that they went outside.

Ladykiller: They did!

Megamind: Okay, okay, everyone let's not panic! We can find them!

?: One more thing, I think I may I found the cure, but its going to have to wait.

Dani: Sarah, You're coming with us, I need some survivors to stay at the lab so that Toad..doesn't escape.

Sarah: On it!

Applejack: I'll stay here and keep an eye!

?: I'm coming with you!

Sarah: Let's go.

Meanwhile Henry and TJ were far into the city already.

TJ: Don't you think we are going too far?

Henry: Mm..nah. Besides, I'm sure we will stumble upon another non-infected soon!

TJ: Okay, okay.

Henry: So...which way do we go?

Henry and TJ came upon two ways, one being dark and the other filled with light.

TJ: I rather go to the gloomy one! I bet all the infected people are in the sunshine alley!

Henry: Me too!

Meanwhile the survivors were looking all over the city for TJ and Henry.

Dani: Shit! How the hell did we manage to lose two kids?

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