Chapter 7-breaking trust part 1

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Warning: Blood and Swearing!

Everyone started to wake up, Chris and Zach saw Martin and Donita, they were nervous + annoyed.

Chris: You think they are going to fight?

Zach: I hope not,

Chris: Keep quiet!

Zach: Alright...

Chris and Zach were hiding in the Bushes, Henry saw and went up to them.

Henry: What the heck are you doing?

Chris: We are spying on Martin and Donita.

Henry: That is weird...Are you guys like best friends or something because-

Zach and Chris looked in shock.

Chris: Hell no! We're just friends for now.

Zach: Yeah!  We're just frienemies..I guess.

Henry: Alright, my bad! Haha..

Chris grabbed Henry.

Chris: Get down so they won't see you!

Henry: Ow! Alright, Be careful!

Meanwhile Donita and Martin were sitting on a bench, not talking to each other. Applejack was also tired seeing them fight and tried to pair them together and make sure they could get along. Martin finally spoke up after an awkward silence.

Martin: You know, they are not going to talk us until we get along, right Donita?

Donita: Yeah, whatever. It doesn't mean I have to talk to you.

Martin: Fine you-

Donita: Don't call me a crazy fashion lady, or madame crazy clothes. Or I swear to god-

Martin: I wasn't. Damn.

Donita: Oh.

With Zach, Chris, and Henry.

Henry: And they still aren't getting along?

Zach and Chris: Nope.

Chris: Dang it.

Henry: Well sorry about that, I gotta go,

Zach: Fine, whatever. I'm leaving.

Zach was about to get up when all of a sudden they heard something coming to the door, catching his attention. Looking at the door, he got scared a little.

Zach: Who is it?

A door busted open.

Eddy: That door was not easy to get open..

Bluey: EDDY?

Eddy: That's right! And I'm-

Megamind: In big trouble! You busted the fucking door open!!!

Thimblenose Ted: Bro! Don't say that in front of the kid.

Megamind: My bad! My bad...

Thimblenose Ted: But yeah...You bursted the door open and broke it.

Rita: What was that noise-...WHAT the hell happened to the door?

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