❀̥˚ chapter six - the universe hates me ❀̥˚

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I stretched my legs and arms in my seat as soon as the finals' exams were over. But to be honest, I was even more nervous right now than when I was answering my exams, for today is the day I finally talk to Criselle.

A few days have passed since the day Maven advised me to go talk to her, but with the exams coming up I didn't have time to summon up the courage to confront her.

And to be honest, I am scared. What if she really doesn't like to be my best friend anymore? I couldn't bear it. I was a coward-so I decided to just pretend that everything was alright and act all "casual" around her.

"Hey Criselle, let's go to my house later and watch this movie that just came out on Netflix. I even bought your favorite food-"

"Sorry. Can't. I have somewhere important to go this afternoon." Then she smiled apologetically at me and went out of the room.

Disappointment struck me hard and rooted me in place. She declined me. This was our tradition-to hang out in my place every after exams, and yet she declined my invitation.

That afternoon, I watched the movie alone. I checked my phone, and as I looked at Eliza's story on Instagram, I saw that Criselle was hanging out with them at a karaoke place somewhere. My heart broke. So this is that "somewhere important" you have to go to, huh?

That night, I slept with a heavy heart, not knowing that tomorrow was going to be even worse.

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The moment I opened the door to our classroom, I knew something was wrong. While walking down the hallway earlier, I heard the nasty rumors about some student who apparently cheated in the recent exams. As I sat down in my seat, the tension was so palpable and thick-I could cut it with a knife.

There's still about 15 more minutes before the class starts, but I can't handle the tension anymore. Maven's still not here, and I knew better than to talk to Criselle again-so I don't have anyone to talk to about this.

I abruptly stood up and went out of the room to get some fresh air. Rather than deal with that atmosphere in the room, I just decided to roam around the campus. This is the perfect time to do it because it's still early, there's not many students around, and the weather isn't that hot yet.

When I came back, Maven was already there and he waved to me. I was about to go to him when our teacher arrived. But instead of Sir Gomez, our adviser Ma'am Fondino was the one who came into the room. And uh-oh, she looks furious.

She was massaging her head, clearly stressed out. "I've just been informed that someone stole the answer sheets for the recent exams. As of now, we don't have evidence yet so we are currently asking you guys if you have seen anyone being suspicious. Or better yet, turn yourself in at the principal's office and admit what you have done."

She scrutinized us one by one. I shivered under her gaze. "Those who know something, don't be afraid to speak up. I will commend you for your honesty so please stand-"

Before ma'am could finish speaking, Criselle raised her hand and said "Ma'am, I know the student who cheated."

She then pointed to... me?


I furrowed my brows in confusion and anger as she claimed that I was the one who cheated.

The teacher was skeptical, but in the end, she inspected my bag to search for evidence. I was fairly confident she would find nothing, not until her eyes widened in anger as she pulled a paper in one of my folders. The answer sheet.

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