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The cobblestone streets of Paris exuded a timeless charm, even as the evening began to set in. Malcolm navigated the narrow lanes, the soft glow of the streetlights casting shadows on the classic buildings that lined the streets. The ambiance of the city was one of romance and elegance, a stark contrast to the meeting he was about to attend. As he approached the luxurious hotel, he took in the sight of the wrought-iron balconies and ornate façades, the air filled with the faint aroma of freshly baked pastries from nearby cafés.

Malcolm stepped into the grand lobby of the hotel, the marble floors gleaming under the chandeliers. The doorman greeted him with a polite nod, recognizing his distinguished appearance. He made his way to the elevator, which whisked him up to the top floor where his meeting was set to take place.

The hotel suite was the epitome of luxury, decorated with rich burgundy curtains and plush furnishings. The walls were adorned with a blend of French impressionist paintings and contemporary art, giving the room a sophisticated yet modern feel. The large windows offered a breathtaking view of the Seine River and the twinkling lights of the city beyond.

Malcolm took a moment to survey the room, appreciating the refined elegance of the setting. He chose a plush chair near a small table and settled in, his posture upright and attentive. The ticking of a nearby clock was the only sound that broke the silence as he waited for his client to arrive.

The door opened, and a man in his late forties to early fifties entered the room. He was dressed in a well-tailored suit that hinted at wealth and influence. His salt-and-pepper hair was styled carefully, and he carried a sleek black briefcase. The man exuded confidence, though his eyes revealed a hint of apprehension.

"Malcolm," the man greeted with a curt nod as he took a seat across from him. "Thank you for meeting me."

Malcolm inclined his head, his gaze steady and assessing. "Of course. Let's get down to business. What can I do for you?"

The client leaned forward, his tone direct and serious. "I've heard of your reputation, Mr. Malcolm. Your skills as an assassin are unparalleled, and I require your expertise for a delicate situation."

Malcolm's expression remained neutral, though he was inwardly intrigued. "Go on," he prompted, his interest piqued.

"I need someone taken care of," the client stated, his voice taking on a lower, more secretive tone. "This person is problematic, and it's imperative that the job be done with minimal use of technology. There can be no warnings, no hints of what's to come."

Malcolm nodded thoughtfully, considering the request. "I estimate the cost at $200,000, with half up front," he stated plainly.

The client did not flinch at the price. He reached into his briefcase and pulled out a stack of neatly organized bills. "Here's the down payment," he said, placing the briefcase on the table and opening it.

Malcolm inspected the money briefly, satisfied with its authenticity and the amount. He accepted the briefcase and placed it beside his chair. "This is acceptable," he acknowledged.

"Good," the client said, seeming relieved. He leaned back slightly, as if satisfied the transaction was going smoothly.

"Now, about the target," Malcolm pressed, leaning forward slightly. "What has he done to warrant his death? Any specific motive for you, or should I assume this is just a typical job?"

The client shifted in his seat, his expression hardening. "Alistair Knight is a problem. He's a skilled hacker, and he meddles in things that don't concern him. He's a liability, and he will remain one unless he's taken care of."

"That sounds a bit vague," Malcolm pointed out, his curiosity getting the better of him. "Do you have a specific grievance against him?"

The client hesitated for a moment, then sighed, revealing more of his frustration. "Knight has been meddling in high-profile projects, disrupting plans, and sticking his nose where it doesn't belong. He's dug into sensitive information, and he's a risk. It's a matter of time before he causes more damage."

Malcolm nodded, taking in the information. "So he's a liability to more than just you?"

"Exactly," the client agreed, his voice firm. "He's been a thorn in my side for too long, and I know he'll continue to be a problem unless someone does something about it."

Malcolm considered the client's words, weighing the motivations and the potential risks. "Understood. I'll handle it with discretion and efficiency," he assured the client, ready to move forward with the assignment.

"Thank you," the client replied, seemingly satisfied with Malcolm's response. "I'll be waiting for your confirmation of completion."

Malcolm nodded as the client rose from his seat. "I'll be in touch," he said.

The client left the room, leaving Malcolm alone with his thoughts. He carefully considered the information provided about Alistair Knight, aware that the task ahead might be more complex than it seemed at first. But he remained confident in his ability to carry out the job with precision and professionalism.

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