Chapter 6

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Malcolm Reynolds was a former RAF sniper. Alistair's mind raced, connecting the dots. The precision and expertise of the shooter now made more sense. If Malcolm Reynolds was the man who had been surveilling the bistro, his background as a former sniper explained his skill with the weapon used in the shooting.

Alistair's fingers hovered over the keyboard as he absorbed this new information. He typed a quick response to his contact, thanking them for the intel and asking for any additional information they might have on Reynolds. He needed to understand more about who Malcolm Reynolds was and why he might be involved in the shooting.

The revelation sent a mix of relief and trepidation through Alistair. He now had a name and a connection to the shooting, but he still needed to uncover the man's motives and how he was tied to the attack. This new lead opened up more questions, but it also offered a clearer path forward.

As Alistair absorbed the information about Malcolm Reynolds, he knew he had to dig deeper to understand who he was dealing with. He focused on the name provided by his hacker contact and began investigating Malcolm's background, piecing together a profile from various sources.

Malcolm Reynolds had served as a sniper in the Royal Air Force (RAF) for several years. He had been known for his exceptional precision and marksmanship, earning commendations for his performance on multiple missions. His record initially showed promise, with superior evaluations and accolades for his skill and professionalism.

However, Alistair uncovered a dark turn in Malcolm's military career. Despite his early success, Malcolm had faced a series of disciplinary issues later in his service. His behavior became increasingly erratic, and he was accused of insubordination and aggressive conduct during his time in the RAF.

Alistair learned that Malcolm's service had ended with a dishonorable discharge due to disorderly conduct. The exact details were unclear, but there were reports of conflicts with commanding officers and accusations of disobeying orders. His career in the RAF ended abruptly, and he seemed to disappear from official records for a time.

After his discharge, Malcolm Reynolds had resurfaced in the underworld as a gun for hire. His reputation as a skilled marksman made him a sought-after operative for those willing to pay for his services. Alistair's contacts provided accounts of Malcolm's involvement in various high-profile and clandestine operations around the world, working for both criminal and private clients.

Malcolm's background revealed a dangerous and volatile individual, someone with extensive training and a history of violence. His willingness to work outside the law, coupled with his expertise as a sniper, painted a clear picture of the threat he posed.

Alistair took in this new information with a mix of relief and anxiety. He had a clearer understanding of Malcolm Reynolds now, but that knowledge also confirmed the danger he faced. Malcolm's potential motives remained unclear, but his involvement in the bistro shooting seemed increasingly likely.

Alistair knew he needed to stay vigilant and continue his investigation, not only to protect himself and Chloe but also to uncover the truth behind Malcolm's actions. Despite his exhaustion, he was determined to see the case through to the end.

Alistair focused on tracking Malcolm Reynolds' recent activity, particularly any financial transactions that could reveal his whereabouts. As he turned his attention to Reynolds' credit card purchases and activity, he felt a mix of anticipation and trepidation. He knew this could be the breakthrough he needed, but it also meant confronting a dangerous man with a violent past.

Using his skills in digital forensics, Alistair combed through various financial databases and records. Malcolm had managed to keep his activities mostly hidden, avoiding any significant paper trails. The quietness of his transactions sent a chill down Alistair's spine; he knew just how skilled Malcolm must be at covering his tracks.

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