Chapter 7

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Alistair returned to his apartment with a plan in mind. The next step in his investigation would be to check out the hotel where Malcolm Reynolds was staying. He knew it was a risky move, but he needed to gather more information about Malcolm's current activities and intentions.

He slipped back into his room to change into appropriate clothing for the task ahead. He chose dark, unobtrusive clothes and slipped his phone into his pocket, ensuring he had all the necessary tools with him. As he prepared to leave, Chloe stirred awake.

"What are you doing?" she asked, her voice groggy from sleep.

Alistair hesitated for a moment, his mind racing for a way to ease her worry. "Just heading out to check on something," he replied, trying to keep his tone casual.

Chloe's brow furrowed as she became more alert. "Check on what? You found something, didn't you?"

Alistair sighed, realizing he couldn't hide the truth from her. "I think I know where Malcolm Reynolds is staying," he admitted. "I need to go check it out."

Chloe immediately got out of bed, her expression determined. "I'm coming with you," she said.

"No, you're not," Alistair shot back, shaking his head firmly. "It's too dangerous. I don't want you involved in this."

"I'm already involved," Chloe argued, her voice steady. "Besides, I can't just stay here and do nothing. If you're going out there, I want to be there too."

Alistair felt a pang of protectiveness for Chloe, mixed with frustration. He wanted to keep her safe, and taking her with him to the hotel would only put her at risk. "Chloe, you don't understand. This isn't a game. We're dealing with a highly trained and dangerous man. I can't have you out there in harm's way."

Chloe met his gaze evenly. "I'm not saying it's a game, Alistair. But I can't just sit here and wait for you to come back. We're in this together, and I'm not backing down. I trust you to keep me safe. Do you trust me?"

Alistair's heart sank a little at the thought of placing Chloe in harm's way. "Chloe, you don't have the training—"

"I know," she interrupted him. "But you're not alone anymore, Alistair. Let me help you. You don't have to do this on your own."

Alistair was taken aback by her words, the earnestness in her eyes cutting through his usual protective armor. He knew how stubborn she could be, and it was clear she wouldn't back down easily. "I can't risk your safety, Chloe."

"But you're risking your own every time you go out there alone," Chloe argued, her voice softening as she tried to appeal to his sense of companionship. "Please, let me stand by your side. You don't have to shoulder this alone."

Alistair stared at her, seeing her determination and resolve. He realized he couldn't dissuade her, and her insistence touched him deeply. "Fine, you win," he said, his voice laced with sarcasm. "I guess a little company could be tolerable."

Chloe gave him a knowing smile. "I promise I'll follow your lead, no questions asked."

Alistair couldn't help but smirk at her reply. "Glad to hear it. Now, let's get going before you change your mind."

Chloe nodded, and they both prepared to leave the apartment. Alistair tried to push away his apprehension as they stepped out together, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. He just hoped she would keep her promise to follow his lead and not act on any impulses.

After hours and hours of waiting, there was still no sign of Malcolm Reynolds. Alistair's gaze remained fixed on the hotel, but his eyes were beginning to blur from the strain of constant surveillance. His mind raced as he tried to puzzle out what Malcolm could be doing, but the lack of activity only increased his anxiety.

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