Breached Walls, Broken Peace

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As nearly a year passed, Jayden found himself in a state of relative stability, his days filled with a familiar routine. Unbeknownst to him, the world outside the Pentagon estate pulsed with a different rhythm, a constant hum of danger from lurking threats and criminal organizations.

He remained blissfully unaware, yet a nagging curiosity lingered beneath the surface. His father's unwavering strength wasn't a mystery; it was a necessity in a world he only glimpsed through veiled references.

Elio had been absent for a grueling year and a half, and even upon his return, fleeting moments were all Jayden could manage with him. Ruele, ever-present, shouldered the burden of their protection but also dedicated countless hours to grueling training. Despite the intensity, Jayden never witnessed her return exhausted but sometimes, he saw her body like a canvas of bruises but her spirit was still strong and joyful.

Early mornings found Jayden and Elora strolling through the estate's gardens, their bond deepening with each shared sunrise. The incident a few years ago had forged a connection that transcended their age difference.

Elora saw him as a younger brother, a role that allowed her a playful reprimand here, a word of encouragement there. She cherished his trust and the easy friendship that had blossomed between them. She couldn't wait to see the man he would become.

For Jayden, Elora was the big sister he never had. He admired her strength and valued the little lessons she imparted, whether about harnessing mana or simply enjoying the quiet moments that strengthened their friendship and they both held dear their growing bond.

"Elora," Jayden began, his voice laced with newfound confidence as he tossed a handful of smooth stones in the air, "I know Mother forbids you from teaching me about the world outside these walls. She says I'm too young."

Elora met his gaze, her heart skipping a beat at the determined glint in his eyes. This wasn't a childish inquiry; it was a yearning for something more.

"Our world revolves around mana," he continued. "Power is everything. It's the strong fist, not the sharp mind, that rules. But what if you can't absorb mana? What if you never awaken a mana core? What if you're…ordinary?" He turned to face her, his question hanging heavy in the air.

Elora searched his deep purple eyes, a new vulnerability etched on his youthful face. Her answer held the weight of his future perception. Choosing her words carefully, she opted for honesty.

"I've never heard of someone unable to absorb mana, not just in our family, but anywhere," Elora admitted. "Someone like that would be at a significant disadvantage, Jayden. But true strength comes in many forms. True power lies in using your abilities wisely."

A glimmer of anger sparked in Jayden's eyes, and a closed old wound echoed from his past life. He remembered the gnawing emptiness, the yearning for a purpose, the despair that threatened to consume him. Here, in this life, he had a family, a purpose, a future worth fighting for.

'I won't take this for granted,' Jayden vowed silently, clenching his fists. The pain of his past fueled his determination. Only someone who had known true despair could understand the depth of his gratitude for this second chance.

Elora noticed the shift in his mood, sensing he had misinterpreted her words. It was the first time she had seen him so vulnerable, and a pang of protectiveness engulfed her.

"Jayden, it's not about being ordinary," Elora clarified, her voice firm yet gentle. "It's about understanding the weight of power. It's about knowing when to unleash it and when to hold back. It's about using your strength for the greater good, not just personal gain."

She paused, taking a deep breath before continuing. "And your mother's rules… they exist for a reason. There are dangers beyond these walls that you're not yet ready to face. It's not about age, Jayden, it's about experience and wisdom."

Jayden nodded slowly, her words sinking in. "But Elora, I want to understand. I want to be prepared for whatever challenges lie ahead. I want to be strong enough to protect our family, our home, and everyone here."

A warm smile curved Elora's lips. Moving closer, she crouched until their eyes met. Then, in a surprising gesture, she pulled him into a hug, the warmth of her embrace enveloping him.

"Jayden," she whispered, her voice thick with emotion, "I don't know how a young child like you can possess such depth of thought.

"But one thing is certain," Elora continued, releasing him from the hug and brushing a stray strand of hair from his forehead. "The potential for greatness lies within you. It started to manifest already in a way we don't traditionally define strength, but that makes it more valuable."

Jayden pondered her words. "So, there's more to strength than just mana?"

"Absolutely," Elora affirmed, a mischievous glint entering her eyes. "There's strategy, there's resourcefulness, there's unwavering determination. These are all qualities that can make you a formidable force, even without wielding raw magical power, and with how your mind works already, I think that you can exceed in many other fields, besides awakening your mana core."

"Like… traps?" Jayden's eyes lit up with a spark of ingenuity. He remembered the thrill of constructing a makeshift snare in his past life, the satisfaction of catching a small animal for sustenance.

Elora chuckled. "Traps are a good start! Knowledge of the natural world, understanding of human behavior, and the ability to think several steps ahead – these are all valuable tools in a world filled with uncertainty."

Jayden's chest puffed with pride. He might not be able to control mana yet, but he wasn't helpless. He could learn, he could adapt, he could contribute.

Suddenly, a tremor shook the ground, a deep rumble echoing from the distant north. Elora's smile vanished, replaced by a mask of steely resolve. She straightened, her posture radiating an aura of authority.

"What was that?" Jayden whispered, his voice laced with a hint of fear. He had never experienced anything like it before.

"It seems we're about to have a little lesson on the dangers lurking beyond these walls," Elora replied grimly, her gaze fixed on the horizon.

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